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Monday, March 23, 2009

Oct0-Mom's Secret? What Were Those Doctors Thinking?

What were those Hippocratic-Oath-taking doctors thinking? Call me cynical or call me psychic...this old numerologist cannot believe that Octo-Mom can keep a secret. On - Nadya Suleman, the Octo-Mom, used her exclusive home videos outlet to promote her situation and expectations again. After the second two octuplets were brought to her new home, without the media circus of the arrival of the first two - Octo-Mom ANNOUNCED that she'll never reveal the name of their father. That got attention.

So, Octo-Mom made a promise to the father and therefore will not tell the secret? She will not "out" him. And I've got a toll bridge I can sell you... you'd buy my toll bridge before Octo-Mom refuses to accept cash to reveal the father's name. I hope this poor slob she says is living in California has a passport. According to "Octo" she promised he'd be invisible and safe from notoriety. I have a problem with Octo's promises.

The Angelina-wanna-be did not choose a Brad Pitt look-alike for the sperm donations. The father is revealed to be "not American" and on-camera, she points to one octuplet and says he looks like the father. At this point the tiny Octuplets all look-alike...much like newborns, they look a lot like any body's hairless, toothless grandfather. However, one octuplets face may reveal the secret.

So, Nadya, the Needy, alias, Octo-Mom, is giving clues to the father's type of look and cultural background. He lives in CA. That's a big state but she couldn't travel too far while plotting in vitros and carrying out her diabolic plan. Some good investigative reporter will chase Papa down. A few more clues and enough money offered and we'll all know whom the father is...and she'll get more attention...and, the fourteen babes will be cared for by multiples of angelic strangers while Octo-Mom gets her hair-done, travels to get manicures and pedicures to look good on-camera...

...Cynic or Psychic instincts tell me that the doctors involved will never be punished...the children will never know the security and pleasure of bonding with the mother. They are not intended to know their father. They probably will go through life with feelings of abandonment while crowded two to a crib in infancy, forever eating buffet-style, never sitting down to a family dinner table, dependent on the goodness of strangers while cloistered in a media frenzy...What were those doctors thinking?

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