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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sarah Palin's Ghost Written Book...Buy it? Why?

It is alarming to see the respect given to Sarah Palin…an uneducated, uncultured, vain, arrogant, opportunist, quitter!…a woman who never sees her commitments through, parades her unmarried, pregnant teen age daughter in front of media millions as an example for teens to follow, publicizes her prowess as a sure-shot as an animal killer from a helicopter, puts her teen daughter’s impregnator in the limelight and after she no longer needed to show him as an “All American Boy”, threw him out of her home and her daughter and grandchild’s life. Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Independent…whatever a decent mother votes…shame on you for supporting a bad example of womanhood. Buy her ghost written book? Why would you?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


As the worldwide economy sways, customs should readjust - Ya' think? For a while it made sense to think that dollars spent like pennies. Tipping dollars - rounding off percentage amounts - ignoring the pennies...leaving a bit more than double the tax tip at a cafe or minimum twenty percent tip at a fancy eatery made your presence smell sweet. That was common practice then.

Have you readjusted? Do you do the same thing now? Will an unpleasant odor linger after you're gone if you readjust tipping habits?

Servers are memory savants when it comes to putting face and tip together. Can you halve your tip to fifty cents a round at the neighborhood pub? Nah, don't think! Although it's senseless to leave a dollar each time the bartender puts a $2.00 beer in front of you, ya' gotta' do it. If you don't want to be too noticed - verbally embarrassed - or be ignored when you need something, don't attempt to readjust your tipping habits to the changed worldwide economy with waiters, waitresses, bartenders and taxi drivers: They're underpaid intentionally and taxed on minimum wage because tips are considered by employers and the IRS to be salary. Tips are expected for good reason. You're sure to get this information loud and clear if you alter their accustomed tipping practice next taxi ride or visit to a pub or eatery.

However, there's reason to spend a dollar as if it was one hundred pennies. Remember that with only 99 cents you cannot get on a bus that costs a dollar. so, it's not okay to round off a percentage tip to the nearest dollar. You may need that penny or two the next day for another tip.

You do leave an unpleasant scent that is long remembered by food and beverage servers, if you do not leave the accustomed - anticipated - expected tip. However, servers have sensitive sniffers; you leave the same evil odor when you foolishly over-tip.

Can customs readjust because petty-cash is king - cents are no longer the inferior number card...and, in a few situations the expected gratuity " to insure promptness" is the foolish jester who makes no sense? Reasons for tipping - like an extra gratuity for services that fulfill the minimum job requirements should be reevaluated. With the many scale-downs that are in process as we readjust to less income and depleted home security, let's be sure we use common sense and watch our pennies.

Sensible, penny changes when purchasing "extras", can bring on the sweet smell of budgeting success.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Freedom gives us the ability to fight fair but whose got the extra energy to fight yet another an-other's fight?

Watching fair competition between participants from many nations, on the Wimbledon juicy green tennis courts, energizes faith and hope - and , calms my instinct to scream "it's not a fair election" when Iran dryly admits "poll irregularities." Do ya' think?

Squelching Iranian voters voices with soldiers and guns on the streets that run red with blood. is unbalanced. I can follow Wimbledon balanced statistics. Iranian record keeping is shifty - illogical. If you have more votes than people voting there must be a botch.

A Wimbledon "botch" is an upset due to a stumble or emotional jitters. At this trying time, it's great to have Wimbledon for a few weeks. It's honest and logical competition - a war of professional athlete against professional athlete - to watch and turn to for calm. In the streets of Iran we see naive, untrained for war, competitors. I watch and rage at news reports of how desperately Iranian's struggle.

Although, Iranian freedom is not our fight since as a nation we've been there - done that - we can emphasize and sympathize and wish there were only jitters creating this upset.

With the stock market sliding, thirteen killed in Baghdad and two in Afghanistan just before our troops withdraw from Iraq, housing prices lowering and sharp job loss increases reported again, just managing to maintain personal freedom is a chore. Whose got the energy to take on another battle?

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Super Manager to the stars like U2, Ossie Kilkerry has been hired to manage Susan Boyle and fans can only hope that he takes her Mother-induced dreams of success and personality limitations into consideration. In previous blogs, this numerologist explained that Susan Boyle needed unconditional love. Her numerology chart Challenges indicate extreme self-absorption and super sensitivity that results in emotional excesses and chronic physical slowdowns. To keep her feeling loved...Ossie you're in charge

Susan's a #7 overall, an intelligent perfectionist who wants a perfect world. However, her Destiny #2 and her three Challenges to fulfilling her Destiny are the same #2. When Challenge numbers are the same as any major numbers in a numerology chart, problems in specific areas are predictable. It is clear that Susan meets people and experiences in her Destiny that trigger extreme emotional reactions and...

...Susan's Destiny opportunities are all too often mishandled. Due to choosing the wrong options or the inability to do anything at all life takes difficult turns. With #2 Challenges, personal slights are exaggerated. Self-pity reigns...Susan's emotions run-amok. She took public adoration and media criticism to heart. Losing wasn't an option for her.

It is a pity that judge and recording mogul, Simon Cowell had a delayed flash of comprehension when he saw Susan's face when she learned she did not have the first place win during the ":Britain's Got Talent finals. He now says he realized she did not conceive of losing. To Cowell's credit, he immediately reminded her that his recording contract for late Fall album release was still on. Apparently, that good news did not stop Susan from physically exhausting emotional suffering that put her in a publicly embarrassing "blue funk" and curtails her public appearances.

Although, talent judge, Piers Morgan, says she's fine, Susan has missed four performances out of nine of the twenty-five planned "Britain's Got Talent" finalists tour. She'll disappoint fans again and again until her handlers get it right.

Simon Cowell's plan to make Susan a recording star is very do-able. There's no public pressure until it's time for promotions, media can be screened and appearances can be planned for "time-outs" for Susan. If new Boyle manager, Ossie Kilkenny, charges-in to save the day there's little chance of a Boyle career massacre. As a devoted fan, I hope recording sales in millions give Susan the unconditional love her sensitive emotions demand. As a numerologist, I know she's gonna' get hit by a few arrows, be saved by the Cavalry, lead a long, charmed life after 2015 and die a very rich "Mommy's Girl."

Friday, June 19, 2009


So you want to be a star but can you handle the business that shows everything? Susan Boyle's mother encouraged her to "go for the gold." although she knew her daughter was delicate, sensitive and spent her childhood through mid-life shielded from public close scrutiny. Boyle cancelled four performances on her "Britain Has Talent Tour." She needs rest. Her Mom's passed on but her managers should know that her capacities to perform in public consistently are limited by her emotions that deplete her physical energy. Susan just cannot handle "the business" and it shows.

Cher wears anything to attract attention, Does she really want to make an adjustment to her daughter's sex change in public? Sarah Jessica Parker and husband, Matthew Broderick have grown up in the limelight. Do they want their inability to conceive children to be kitchen table conversation? It requires a lot to make it big and staying there demands even more.

Hollywood/s latest "handsomest man in the world", Robert Pattison, got hit by a taxi in NYC while surrounded by five security guards, when chased by screaming teenagers during a film shoot on city streets. He's twenty-young, and brushed off his hip injury as his security people yelled, 'see what you did!" at the uncaring fans. Ya' gotta be young, agile and determined to come away unscathed.

Consider the Princess Diana paparazzi chase that cost her life and revealed too much about her private life...too much information about a beloved icon. The reports of her uncomfortable adjustments, emotional and physical problems - having her private life public property - wasn't handled very well by the empathetic teen who married a spoiled prince.

From Obama's duffer golf scores and attempts to keep a dating relationship with his wife to Liz Taylor's seven marriages and obsession with diamonds - media earns their bread in the business of showing the warts and the beauty marks on the backs of "wannabees.". So, if ya' wanna' be a star Susan, you'll need to make management adjustments - find an agent that cares - before you begin belting-out, "There's No Business Like Show Business" night after night.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Palin gambled...she threw a ""hate Letterman" party and nobody came. Bad choice Sarah. However, there's hope for you.

Its takes a rat to to prove that there's hope for overly-ambitious-salivating-for-power politicos and compulsive gamblers. The University of British Columbia has a study in motion that tests rats ability to use winning strategy and play the odds. There's hope for obsessive Wall Street high rollers, political strategists and me.

Therapies to treat pathological risk takers depend upon adjusting dopamine and serotonin in the brain. It's working on four legged rats and altering their ability to make good decisions. The rats make choices...when tempted with instant gratification of large amounts of treats that end in a "time-out" punishment, after a few blunders, the rats decide to choose less treats at one time and get to go after treats again. Rats can learn that long term satisfaction wins over immediate gratification.

If two-legged habitual gamblers could learn to choose the long term pleasure and fore-go the immediate thrill of a 'big kill", with therapy, Wall Street wheeler dealers would be less likely to tempt customers with risky buys, Obama's far-seeing health care and banking reforms would attract more supporters and I would not be tempted to hit the casinos.

So as Smuckers Jams and Jellies report unexpected higher earnings (probably because we're substituting sweets for the sour situation we're in) - the Stock Market slithers up today and jobless claims drop a smidgen, the un-therapied gambler in me is making even odds that the "rat test" results will not have doctors treating obsessives tomorrow. A fast application of this test is a "long-shot." The non-gambler wheels of the AMA turn slowly.

However, if you identify with the rats, there's hope. If rats can benefit from dopamine and serotonin brain therapy and learn to make profitable choices based upon negative and positive experiences, so can the compulsive money moguls, pathologically slow moving Senate bill-passers, you and me.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


There's a stock market slump, prices higher at the pump and my throat's got a lump! It's a "bad tears" day and I'm gonna' put these droplets in reverse. Gonna' listen to a Susan Boyle video, let the "good tears" roll and release magical moments.

There are tears of joy that go on automatic when Scotland's most famous spinster, Susan Boyle lilts of promise and dreams her dream...and I remember repeated tear sightings when obese and single, Kate Smith sang, "God Bless America" with the USA at war, in the 1940's. Skinny Sinatra's, "New York, New York" brings back, "my old neighborhood" tears and matronly Ethel Merman's, ":Everything's Comin' Up Roses" is a lifter that evokes "good tears." When the blues are catching, and dreams are touching there's nothing like a good cry.

Slow droplets on the face grow dreams of promise . A dream is magical soil that produces blossoms in daylight. . In times of emotional reactions to public crisis, it seems that unusually uplifting performers and unconditionally inspiring songs appear that change an emotional down-slump into a visual up-bump.

Broad figured women, Susan Boyle and Kate Smith are beauties who are attractive to the heart. Kate Smith suffered sweet indignities late in her career. Before a hockey game, fans yelled with love, "it can't begin til the fat lady sings." On Susan Boyle's initial performance on "Britain's Got Talent", she was ridiculed and that indignity turned into a public love affair too. Ti's said, "What you see is what you get." Bring on the "bad tears" 'cause you can't believe everything you see. Now, bring on the "good tears", 'cause you often get more than you imagine.

With my "bad tears" in reverse, I realize It's not how you look, it's the way that you do it in these teary times. So, let the good tears roll-in from dreams and belief in America...with them come the the magical moments.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Letterman lives up to his name. He has met a specific level of participation in his performance and is elite in his craft....he earned his jacket. In the other corner, Palin took her jackets without paying her dues or apologizing for her inappropriate behavior.

David Letterman's public apology to Sarah Palin and her daughters is an explanation - a defense of his inappropriate words and is an act of remorse for something judged by others to be wrong. Honest realists judge taking expensive clothes paid for with public donations without paying for them or returning them as "wrong." Representing yourself as a foreign affairs expert because you can see Russia from your front yard is an insult to the intelligence of the public. You've made more public blunders in occasional public appearances and a short [period of time than Letterman has night after night for many years. You've embarrassed yourself more times than space allows. So, Sarah shouldn't you step down? Where is your remorse? Where's the public apology?

Enough Sarah! Your ongoing accusations, refusal to accept Letterman's apology and organizing GOP supporters to get Letterman fired is a boomerang that reminds the public of your often inept behavior, asinine words and dishonest deeds. It's time to remember, Letterman earned his jacket. Your symbols of achievement pale-in comparison.

Monday, June 15, 2009


This numerologists #5 "cant focus on one thing 'cause I bore easily" Personal Day and I'm a butterfly...going from one newsy tidbit to another. There's little to still my concern over the economy or the Health Care Bill or Dick Cheney's hopes for a terrorist attack to fulfill his prophecy. So, I'm scanning...

Still overwhelmed, Susan Boyle took the Britain's Got Talent tour and lasted two performances and took a "time-out" to rest. She's gonna' do well recording and should listen to her body and emotions and leave the personal appearances to promoting her albums.

There's more to be learned about deviant sex from stories about David Carradine's death than I've discovered in 76 years of curiosity.

The Health Care Reform Bill is a "biggie" for Obama and he's courting the thumbs-down AMA with vigor. Tidbits today indicate that the AMA may have support for certain kinds of public plans....possibly federally chartered co-ops. The AMA strong opposition is to any plan that mandates physicians participation. There's gonna' be lots to barter before we see affordable health care.

...after sincere checking, there's nary a tidbit - nothing said about ailing Patrick Swayze and Farah Fawcett.

The GOP is having a field day with the Sotomayor Supreme Court appointment...they refusing to budge siting "too many unanswered questions." Sotomayor had 36 days to get her act together - 70 days is average - and she's ready and willing to reply tout suite. So, GOP...ask the questions faster so she can stop running from questioner to questioner - get into a chair - sitting on the bench - which will put her in motion.

And Palin is beefing-up her accusations - ranting, hogging the camera while slamming David Letterman - that's good! She's looking even more foolish and upped his ratings.

Multi-tasking-multi interest rules! There;s little to sink my teeth into...It's not an in-depth day for news as the stock market slows down to triple-digit sell-offs after the upswing. Iran is more problematic and needs watching. Although oil costs at the pump and job losses are rising, consumer confidence is beefing-up. Maybe it's my time for a #5 shopping adventure!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Gee Sarah, you're pretty, very energetic and have a gift of gab. However, I don't want my girl child or any-one's daughter upset by public comment or to follow your example of mothering. Picking on TV comic, Letterman's bad-taste, comment and getting insulted is "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" , forked-tongue, media attention-getting, politician's tactics. You say one thing and do another in the name of family values and child-rearing that I don't want to see in the White House.

My readers comment that Sarah Palin is protecting her family. She's upset that young girls will not have a good self-image due to Letterman's comment. Hogwash, Sarah! Young girls probably won't have a good self image because --- the governor of Alaska, who electioneered to be Vice President and has her sights on the USA Presidency, repeatedly embarrassed her uneducated, uncultured self on TV, took expensive clothes and didn't return them, shaded the truth more than once, used GOP funds to fly her entourage and, touts her daughter's poor choices as good choices.

Gee Sarah, you cannot make a "sows ear into a silk purse" after "the horse is out of the barn" and you've done things that are really tasteless!

Working mother or stay-at-home mom, children learn from what we do - not what we say. Good parenting is setting an everyday example for children to follow and listening a lot. Do you think parading your seventeen year old, very pregnant child , on the White House electioneering stage repeatedly - setting her up to maternally-embrace and baby-sit her brother, your special-needs infant - then adding to the unconventional entourage, the neighbor-boy-teenager who impregnated her, is the behavior for any household - let alone the esteemed White House? Doesn't this display show your lackluster mothering includes family values that inspire dedicated, "I make time to talk to my kids" homemakers - traditional working parents - social psychology professionals and comics to observe, shudder and comment?

Getting on an indignant media rant - accusing Letterman of hurting young girls with his tasteless comments while you're too busy - maybe too self-absorbed - to spend quality time at home with your children and set a childhood enriching example for your children to follow is "so Sarah Palin Poop." Acknowledging behavior that curtails your daughter's freedom to mature and acquire education and culture, as an individual - not a work-loaded, too responsible to an infant - a teen on a treadmill - is unacceptable to this mother and granny.

Letterman can comment and so can I. Sarah Palin you have extolled the virtue of undisciplined, unconventional, unprotected youthful indiscretions for young girls. You strutted daughter Bridgette, uncommitted-to-traditional-marriage while a pregnant teen, center stage, on a bid for the White House. You claim to be setting an example of improving self-image for young girls. Teens will believe what you do not what you say . Before you get insulted at Letterman's, or any other participating parent's observations of your example of an orderly life for young girls and women, view what observers see as your disorderly example of child-rearing and family values.

I doubt that anyone intends to insult or upset your daughters, Sarah. Unfortunately, "people will talk" - your daughters receive the residual effect of your self-serving lifestyle and ongoing "forked-tongue" electioneering.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Changing your name may alter your Destiny! Basic to numerology is the belief that you have the characteristics of your birth name. Natural instincts, first impression and mean of self expression are described by the first record of the new soul on earth - usually a birth certificate. You may be born a saint and name change to sinner - or the reverse.

This is spiritual stuff and on a non-material plane: Numerologists believe that your soul chooses your name and your time to be born in order to live the material involvement it chooses. So, when you alter the spelling or change your name after the name is recorded, over-riding influences are added. Think about how often women add the husband's name at marriage and appear to change. Then there's the unhappy Marilyn Monroe name change from Norma Jean. The latest example of name change run-amok is John Arthur Carradine who changed his birth name to David Carradine.

Media indicates David Carradine's death is not a suicide as was first thought. In Bangkok,Thailand, where anything goes...his sensual and sexual preferences, in the form of auto-eroticism-auto-asphyxiation have many professional and novice players. His escapist play. during a business trip, is thought to have caused his accidental death.

David's birth name describes a hard-working, talented athlete, ambitious for the freedom that money and power can buy. Career choice name "David", added the risk-taker, sensual-seeker, freedom-loving, unconventional #5 talent to his physically, mentally and spiritually powerful #8 natural instincts and means of self expression. Material power in the hands, mind and spirit of an easily bored, escapist, thrill-seeker on a #3 artistically expressive, socially aware, often naively optimistic, "good looks and charm will get you everywhere" Destiny

Carradine's #3, "make a game out of life" Destiny does not change. Destiny is calculated from the birth date. So, both names walk the path that keeps one youthful, playful and charming. Carradine wanted to reach the heights in career and lifestyle, as well as sensual experiences. According to my number wisdom and theories, on a movie-shoot, a working trip to Bangkok, possible bored with the routine, in his #8 quest for physical challenges and #5 sexual adventures. he used his trained athleticism, problem-solving strength and goal-oriented determination for #3 game-playing that ran amok.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Dancing as fast as I can...running away - while acknowledging increased anti-semitism and becoming more and more anti-Palin and wishing I was Auntie Mame. There's too much going on in the economy to cope with...who needs more? There are enough vipers slithering around banks and in the stock market. This week, rattling my concerns...

...the bad-mouth old preacher from Chicago and the old gun-totin' Nazi committing murder in DC and old-news Sarah Palin's latest bid for media attention with outrage at Dave Letterman's bad judgment joke about her bad judgment daughter - she loved the SNL bad taste jokes when she could orchestrate and use the publicity...there are little day-to-day problems and now there are larger broad-scoped issues...I wanna' be Auntie Mame 'cause she would keep her classy, cool and take off for Pago-Pago or the South of France to uncoil and meet the snakes head-on, on her turf...I'm...

...too angry - I'd hiss and miss - so, goin' finshin' to coil-up, release my venom and dance back tomorrow.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Although he's got the lifetime numbers to be a lucky public servant, 2009 is not the best numerology Personal Year for Senate Banking Committee Chair, Democrat, Christopher John Dodd (name numbers, 5, 1 and 6) - (born: May 27, 1944, a #5 Destiny). He's a stickler for planning structures who, like VP Joe Biden often bends the rules and will be battling a karmic testing #16/7 Personal Year when too may things and most people are not what they appear to be. He'll stumble ...he will not fall.

Dodd's Destiny and natural instincts number - the unconventional #5 - has a lifetime of #4 rule-bound Challenges. It's interesting that #4 is the Challenge number of most politicians. Challenges are personality inconsistencies; extremes that people go to when on overload and become stressed: The reasons why we make impractical choices and wonder if "the Devil made me do it." #4 Challenges incline one to put a rule-bound, conventional face to the world and cover-up a kinky private life. Top Gun #4 Challenge holder is Richard Nixon...Did the Devil make him polite in public and rude privately and detail his off-limits actions on tape?

Challenges swing in extreme arcs...the way a pendulum swings and it is difficult for the Challenge holder to balance the pendulum - center his or her actions and reactions. The #4 Challenge is a caution to pay attention to details and maintenance and its other extreme, not to be caught in a maize of details and lose sight of the overall picture. A #4 Challenge holder may be a rigid, set and stubborn workaholic or a lazy, careless and impractical plodder at different times in life. In this # 16/7 Personal Year Chris Dodd's #4 Challenge is heightened by the #16/7, 2009, secret conditions he will have to overcome.

There's a rush on producing Health Care reforms...It's President Obama's pet priority. With ailing Ted Kennedy unable to sustain attendance at Health care Planning meetings, Dodd, his close friend, will take over and work with Finance Committee's Senator Baccus to find a way to finance it.

So, Dodd has a daunting full plate in a problematic, goal-delaying numerology Personal Year. With Republicans screaming that Kennedy would do things differently and put them in play on Health Care plans and a complex economy where his Finance Committee is multi-tasking and dancing as fast as it can, he will have disillusionment and a few Karmic Testing disappointments till February 2010.

Lifetime analysis: Chris Dodd is a lucky, clever, home-loving, independent, humanitarian going through a bad year.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


After checking Fiat and Chrysler's meeting of the minds as #9 numerology name analysis classic-builder-kindred-spirits, I wandered to the site thinking I'd find current news and discovered to my delight a great tribute to Susan. The site is perfect as it is and will be more perfect tomorrow as it seems to be growing fast. Susan must be proud and happy to know that her followers accommodate her name-number 7 desire for perfection.

Now I can own an "I Dreamed a Dream - I love Susan" tee shirt in a variety of colors from the UK for $15.99. If I slip to Yahoo, I can own Pebbles, the cat, items too. On Susan's site, there are videos galore - 328 at last count and growing. Susan's rendition of "Cry Me a River" and her Dutch TV interview mixed with fashion shots, pictures of Pebbles and pictures galore of the original and the crispy Susan.

At last count there are 22,551 members signed in. Contributors of blogs and "Playlists" - organized video clips - have five star quality. This is a must-see site for Susan fans.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The number wisdom for today and for the month of June 2009: Seize the power. A #8 Universal vibration directs nations and people to solve problems. So? - you may ask...what does that mean to me?

Investments mean a lot. It's timely to think about getting back into the market or adding to your 401K or making any major purchases...there are bargains to be found. There are risks. However, in a #8 influence, there are less risky risks.

Exercise means a lot. It's timely to begin a fitness regimen...particularly between 6 AM and Noon. The #8 in the air adds stamina and ambition to the day's goals.

Practical problem-solving means a lot. You can handle bigger jobs, organize and improve finances with a willingness to work at it . Today you "reap what you sow."

Leadership means a lot. Today, if you want to take a challenge, you're more likely to handle leadership with vision, courage and strength.

Engineering projects speed up and expand.

World leaders are able to put big deals through - director's meetings are progressive and problems surface to be solved. International business activity is heightened. There are expansions and increases. Large scale plans are put into motion.

So...a numerology #8 Universal influence may mean a lot to you.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Sarah Palin wants power in the inner political world and David Carradine sought power in the inner spiritual number wisdom, numerology, their shared self-expression number, the often lucky 8, a powerful drive #8, leads Sarah and led David to imagine they can handle anything, feel physically strong and assume the ambitious challenges.

This numerologist believes, Palin exaggerating personal intelligence and underestimating the public intelligence, lacking experience and flirting with plagiarism to gain political power and Carradine teasing fate to go to the sexual heights are just part of their name number analysis...birth certificate names, Sarah Louise Heath = #4. #4. #8 (practical, material manager boss-type) and John Arthur Carradine, #8, #9, #8 (philosopher, counselor, culturally expansive boss-type) are born to 'break the tape", "beat last year's sales figures", own to show a library of unread leather bound books = achieve material goals and in general, anyone born on the lucky 8, 17, 26 of any month has this trait and they may not be "Sinshine Seekers" - however, they will "go for the gold."

"Sinshine Seekers" will vie for supremacy believing that they can solve all problems. They want the joy of climax when a challenge is successful and the powerful feeling of owning the rewards. A leader, stealing words and thoughts to achieve gain or an athlete's confidence to push the sensual body as far as it can go to climax...To sin to win: That's Sinshine.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Accident or suicide? It's unlikely that David Carradine - birth name, John Arthur Carradine (a powerhouse #8.#9,8) - born on 12/8/1936 (#3 Destiny - destined to encounter the "beautiful people" and make a game out of life) would or could have been alone or depressed while letting the "sinshine" in on a play-date in a luxurious Bangkok hotel.

Carradine enjoyed the freedoms that money can buy, liked working and had physical balance and dexterity - as a #3 destiny, he appeared to be and was much younger than his years - he took pride in his athleticism and would easily combine gaming with sensual pleasures and physical challenge.

Numerology charting shows probability of a plan run amok. Common sense dictates the improbability of tying one's own hands behind one's back no matter how gifted an athlete and problem-solver. Carradine's death scene, in the #1 month of a #4 (stabilize, work to maintain possessions and position and build for the future Personal Year) is unlikely to have been the result of spontaneous game play.

Planned, in anticipation of a "sinshine" evening with volcanic pleasures in mind, a too tight shoelace around his neck - another around his genitals - and, it is unlikely that his playmate was a 'pro." Carradine, In a #1 month would meet "first timers" - so, it is possible that a playmate was new at the "sinshine" game. It is also possible that Carradine was on this "sinshine" quest for the first time.

David Carradine was destined to take center stage and be a powerful game player...there are always new games to learn when on a #3 life path. I am sorry for the Carradine Family loss and I hope this numerologists analysis will clarify that suicide is an unlikely cause of death.

For me...many memories of family TV evenings with David Carradine' s sober, serene "Kung Fu" adventures as times he let the sunshine in. At his accidental end, - although I believe Kung Fu would have said, "there are no accidents" - and I do believe he found some #3 Destiny pleasure in the "sinshine " game.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


This #5 numerology vibed Universal Day brings in surprises and upsets. Expect a long shot winner of the Belmont Stakes - certainly changes that lead to new adventures for horse and jockey. The Ted Kennedy-Max Baucus Senate Health Care Bill is just as likely to follow a traditional path as the Belmont is to produce a winning favorite. And you feel the #5 vibration for surprises and can expect the unexpected as you follow your plans for today.

Horses are ready - jockeys hot to trot - and anything can happen after the crush at the starting gate. The Health Care revisions are at the early draft stage and senators are determined to formulate national requirements ready for a vote in July and on Obama's desk for signature in October. That's a long shot.

In this bill, insurance companies cannot refuse anyone.and will outlaw lifetime limits. Business and individuals must purchase health insurance and this bill is written with provisions for sliding-scale subsidies for people with incomes up to 500% of the poverty level. Millions more will be eligible for Medicaid. The Republicans are sure to label this "socialized medicine" = that's a polite term for their reasons for delays. Nasty upsets and changes are sure to plague its progress through the Senate.

So, keep your hands in our pockets for the's a day fraught with the unpredictable at the Belmont and the start of a Senate long shot. In this anything-can-happen economy, today's bets are off-center.

Hooray! The blog is back. My coffee tastes better in the morning again. Thx! Nan

Friday, June 5, 2009


Susan's out of the hospital, in a flat in London singing "LET THE SUNSHINE IN." Susan Boyle moves on - energized for now - to meet her welcoming USA public - and to sing for the Obamas at the White House.

In my analysis of her name, Susan showed sensitivity to criticism and extreme self absorption...a strong numerology charted #2 Challenge that causes anxiety and depression. It's not her lack of oxygen as an infant that makes her lose positive energy. It's her obsessive need for unconditional love - on all planes - that causes her depression. Media will inevitably give her emotional ups and downs throughout incoming career opportunities if her placement before the public is not carefully planned and she does not have a closely knit support group.

To remain stable. Susan should focus on a recording career where emotional and practical detail preparation is assured. So, "Let the Sunshine In" to the recording studios and we'll be hearing her sing "God Bless America" as she makes her fortune here.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Numerology's #3 Universal Day inspires accepting the inevitable and verify the words, "talk is cheap" --- and reminds me that at 76, I've seen optimism shredded when bare truths are spoken. So, seeing naturally beautiful (opposite thinking - untouched supposedly by Joan Rivers surgeon's knife) older ladies applauded in the news - Helen Mirren sexy at 64, Iman softer at 54, white haired, 1950's top model, Miami's Carmen Dell'Orefice still glamour in spike heels at 78, Angelica Huston regal, smart and "for real" at 58, round and sensual, Sofia Loren at 75 still an advertisement for pasta and intellectual, mental-multi-task-er politico, Gloria Steinem make me optimistic. In their honest approach to aging, there's cause for me to remember that "cheap-talk" is often comprised of little white lies that may be inspirational and show a face to the world of mature compromise.

And there are words of promise - It seems that dementia and Alzheimer's is less likely to befall Indians (from India) --- they eat curry. Lotsa' curry. Ti's said by a US researcher that if we add turmeric containing cur-cumin found in curry powder - to our menu twice a week, we'll be less likely to lose it mentally as we age. However, in my experience with numerology Indian clients, they ask a question and I answer it. The question is then rephrased and asked again...again I answer it. You got it! Young or senior...the question is again asked and is answered and there's rarely a look of comprehension or an agreement. There will be phone calls and revisits regarding the same issue. Could the penchant for checking, checking and rechecking and dilly-dallying and not finding a solution or a rule-for-living -the verification of comprehension - can this Indian personalty trait be a result of eating curry too?

In the headlines..."jobless claims fall", Wal-Mart adding 22,000 new jobs and "eating curry may ward off Alzheimer's." The cheap talk comes from Obama-Bashers, pudgy, Russ Limbaugh and a few GOP slim-chance-for-re-election senators whose little wigglers have stopped swimming upstream. Is Obama on a Muslim "Trip?"

Words flow from Palestine and Israel, Muslim Pundits and Saudi Princes and our diplomacy-practicing Pres...and they are many and closely strung. Today's #3 vibes bode that we'll "buy" more expensively, warmed with optimism, and may be snowed, cause "Talk is cheap."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


A quick Numerology analysis of Judge Sonia Sotomayor: Not only a first Latino women to the Supreme Court, she is the first to bring a Destiny of "you learn as you live" - "off the beaten track", spicy, dicey highs and lows and learning from life experience to this esteemed office. She lives the #5 Destiny; intended to be a free spirit...a catalyst for change in the lives of others. She has a lifetime that constantly offers adventures, new enthusiasms, unexpected opportunities, retains youthful enthusiasm, is a sensual woman and is offered lucky choices. Although she may try to be traditional, she cannot be conventional.

Her destiny is not without #5 Destiny Challenge. Her inner character and personality - the #8 efficient, power problem solver Motivation...the futuristic visionary, intent upon leaving a lasting image #11/2 Self Image and the #1, independent, self-starter, creative, progressive, pioneering Career Talents/Means of Self expression enable her to change problems into projects. She'll be startled into emotional reactions - appear irritated - and almost immediately regain composure.

She has a love-hate relationship with the freedoms that come about with change that relate to her birth...#5 Destiny is always a surprise to the parents - an accident - an unplanned or unconventional event. Sugar is her enemy and careful dieting is a must. Her sense of responsibility may be obsessive and she can be smothering when feeling protective and parental. (a #6 Challenge) She can be submissive - controlled by a lover if she fears losing love - and prefers to control all other situations in order to avoid being controlled (a #1 Challenge).

The name "Sonia" is fit for a judge who builds for future generations. It is a #22/4 spiritually special, practical manager with subdivisions of #7 perfectionist-intellectual and #1, "I'm gonna' do it my way" influences. A first name influences both personality and destiny. So, hard work, organization, systems structures are second nature and making rules and regulations to be implemented for growth come naturally in her personal and career lives. Examples of the material power executed by the #22 as a birthday: Father of our Country, George Washington, Senator Ted Kennedy, Russia's Nikolai Lenin, France's Charles De Gaulle and mother to public servants, John, Robert and Ted Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy.

2009 is a #6 Personal Year for Sonia Sotomayor that leads her to increased responsibility, a focus on balancing relationships and offers protection from personal harm. Her chart indicates that she will experience a notable power play in November and she will have a rebirth - a major change in direction - in 2015.

If chosen, will Judge Sonia Sotomayor add spice and momentum to the high court? That's a high #5...She sure will!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


There must be something to this transparency thing, 'cause I almost understand - I think I recognize fairer practices - The Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights - the credit card rules and regulations changes on the Senate floor as we speak. These changes, if implemented and controlled, may help to balance the economic imbalances that exist now. Gee, I am surprised = they are not getting as much attention in the media as I would have imagined.

These changes are mighty and not happening soon enough. With the changes comes regulations to be sure that Congress oversees CC companies and banks to be sure that they implement the changes. Well, if they follow-through, that will be "a first!"

The House passed a bill in April and Republicans are finally realizing that it would be a refreshing change to bring good news home to constituents. So, this week the Senate is expected to pass a bill that will take effect in nine months. That brings us to February 2010 instead of the previous previously announced Credit Card Bill of Rights date, July 2010.

A biggie change is that CC companies cannot increase rates on past buys unless payments are 60 days late and if after an unexpected increase of interest rates, a bill is paid on time for 6 months, the bank is required to review and the interest rate will go back to the older, lower rate. Another goodie - Information must be given by lender to card holder as to how long it will take and how much interest will be paid to fulfill the credit card debt. These are nifty improvements = and . if implemented, that will be another "first."

The following few changes are offered because I think I understand them...there are more that didn't come clear to me...

...Bill must be mailed to borrower 21 days before balance is due..
...No fees for phone or online payments...
...CC companies and banks will require that people requesting credit cards that are under 21 submit proof of how they will repay OR a parent or guardian assumes responsibility for the debt if it is not paid by the borrower...
...Lenders are required to give 45 days notice of rate increases..
...Card holder must be contacted and elect to go over the limit or an over limit fee cannot be changed...

...gonna' buy some Windex and decipher the rest of the Senate discussion of the Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights....if you're not a pay-it-off-every-month CC user, I suggest you check it out too.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Bristol Palin's lecture on teens abstaining from sex was ridiculed as "she's trying to please her mother" or "in her last interview, she said abstinence was unrealistic." Most thought her to be a hypocrite.

No one asked who paid for the delivery of her baby. If they had been into the practical side of the result of not abstaining or using practical condom protection when in school, they would have realized that their most desired goal = freedom from parental control and rules, regulations, disciplines was imposed by city, state or government agencies that pick up the tab, is immediately lost.

The cost of having a baby in a hospital = approximately, traditionally, $36,625 for 3 days. With good insurance, including the deductibles for both mother and baby, hospital bill, GYN, anesthesiologist, drugs - all kinds of difficult to comprehend delivery room costs - about $4000.00. That's about the cheapest it's gonna' be.

Teens without $4000.00 and parents health insurance or not earning adult pay and do not have independent health insurance lose their youth and freedom to stress, responsibility, unending work and "the clan" or "the system."

Teens who want independence from adult rules and the freedom to make independent choices should realize that Bristol must "please her mother" She had to conveniently forget her previous statement to the media that disagreed with her mother's choices --- and, Bristol will not be free to live her own future until she doesn't abstain with a marrying-type guy who agrees with her mother's ambitions for herself and Bristol - and, since her ex-fiance, the father of her child is a "deadbeat dad", has enough money to support Bristol and her Tripp-up.

Bristol is not a hypocrite...she's a "lifer" = a prisoner the unrealistic religious beliefs and the political ambitions of the matriarch of the Palin clan.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Now that the she's "doing awesome" as a mother, and she made her "Tripp-Up" in the headlines, Bristol Palin is media-fodder again spouting a whale of abstinence nonsense...

...she's the sole showpiece for Candie's Shoes Foundation - sponsoring National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, unwed, teenage mother, Bristol, isn't the kid I want my kid to emulate. I'm gonna' find a different shoe manufacturer!

Bristol is one of three daughters of a self-promoting, overly committed to aspirations she cannot fulfill mother. Her mother is often-confused by truth. Her mother is a multi-task-er, beauty queen, challenged-for her-ethics-Alaskan Governor, mother of five and grandmother to the shining example of what not to do, Tripp. Raised by "shoot-from-the-hip-Sarah" Palin, her daughter Bristol is "lookin' for love in all the wrong places."

Today, Bristol is saying she "was quoted out of context" when, shortly after she had her baby - and broke her engagement to teenager, Levi Johnson - she said that her mother's belief and part of her political platform, that abstinence from sexual activity for teens was unrealistic.

Today, Bristol is the figure head for 80% of teen pregnancy mothers who do not marry the fathers. She leads the school of minnows this second year that teen birth rate has increased while fishing around for money generated by media attention. She joins her almost-husband, headline-hunting-aspiring male model, Levi Johnson, in taking the spotlight to further confuse the reality issue of abstinence for hormone-motivated teenagers, by saying "abstinence is the only way" and Levi is saying, "abstinence is a good idea - but it's unrealistic."

These two young people do not belong in the headlines to set an example for teens. I believe that if Sarah Palin spent as much time listening to Bristol as she does talking in front of a microphone, Bristol might have developed her intellect and a stronger sense of security and self-worth while her hormones raged. If Sarah was attentive to the extremely close relationship of Bristol and Levi, Levi would not have been a frequent stay-over-night-guest with the temptations of propinquity.

If Sarah set a more mature, unselfish and less personalized example of motherhood maybe her daughter would be home taking care of her baby, going to school, and becoming a good teen example of "what to do when, as a teen, you get into a bad situation."

Monday, May 4, 2009


Translating my numerologist observation to number...Cannot remember seeing Eleanor and Franklin, Bess and Harry, Mamie and Dwight, Lyndon and Ladybird, Richard and Pat, Jimmy and Rosalyn, George and Laura - or even, Jack and Jackie, Nancy and Ronnie or Bill and Hillary share a sensual dating like...

...watching Michelle and Barach Obama have a date. They made me think of the words "SEX and FUN. The thought came to me as I observed them....There's a sensual, lightheartedness...they make fun look sexy and make thoughts of sex seem like fun.

Every word has a number and every number has a meaning...and the word and the number meaning should be the same.

It seems to me that SEX (S=1 + E=5 + X= 6), add 1+5+6=12, add the sum to reduce to a single number...1+2=#3. Three is the number of FUN. SEX should be FUN.

It seems to me that FUN (F=6 + U=3 + N=5), add 6+3+5=14, add the sum to reduce to a single number...1+4=#5. Five is the number of SEX. FUN should be SEX.

Thinking...Maybe my expectation of marriage --- maybe my marriages would have turned out better if the previous White House residents had allowed me to observe Obama- type dates...So sensual...After dinner...meandering through the White House garden before "calling it a night." - if Barack wasn't looking forward to watching the game? However...Michelle's gonna' speak up...I think the Obama's are a delight!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Yesterday's mental trip to the Kentucky Derby reinforced my hunch-factor. Logic told me that my #8 - power number - pick for Derby winner was a wild fantasy. So, since yesterday was a #9 Universal Day, and #9 was the favorite...I coupled the fantasy #8 with the favorite to win, #9. Add the numbers together and = 8 + 9 = 17 - and #17 (1 + 7) is still a "winner" #8. I decided to make a mental bet of $2.00 on both horses.

When I looked at the #8 horse odds...39-1- I knew I was on a different plane of existence - the plane of dreams come true so, I began to use intellect and logic...and, hedged my risk with the favorites break-even odds bet. #8 power number went out of the gate at 50 to 1. #9 logic favorite had even odds. I felt very sane.

...big blunder. Reality and logic don't work as well as hunch and first thought when it come to gambles like horse racing and lottery. So many factors to consider and too many are unknowns.

Lesson learned the first number that comes to mind. Don't hedge off - if you're re gonna' gamble = GAMBLE! There's no logic to's an adventure.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Why not use numerology's color equivalents to numbers to solve today's problems? There's a color for every type of person and every need and if money's your objective...use the color of money, mauve to send out a vibration of success and power.
1. Red indicates an independent, self-starter. Basic talent: Creative leadership, progressive.
2. Orange indicates a cooperative partner. Basic talent: 'Power behind the throne", diplomacy.
3. Yellow indicates sociability, optimism and communications talents. Basic talent: Skill with words. writing, entertaining.
4. Green indicates management practicality and dependability. Basic Talent: Organizer,manager.
5. Turquoise indicates a multi-task-er, risk-taker, promoter, politician, gambler. Basic talent: All things to all people."
6. Blue indicates serenity, comfort, parental outlook and family focus. Basic talent: teaching, relationships, musical/rhythmic.
7. Purple indicates intellect, spirituality, ability to focus and perfect skills. Basic talent: Questioning, looking beneath the surface.
8. Mauve indicates physical and mental power, money, efficiency. Basic talent: Problem-solving, stamina.
9. Saffron indicates philosophizing, discerns quality and culture and understand human nature. Basic talent: Counseling, the arts.

In business, use mauve on cards, stationary, in logos and buy mauve bank checks. Mauve color paper is more expensive then most. When buying a car, the color mauve is special order and will cost considerable more. When wrapped in a mauve sedan, driving up to a hotel or restaurant entrance, valets are gonna' expect a big look like "money."

However, when there's a mauve accent color or the paper is mauve, your business sends out a power message vibration to onlookers. Wearing a mauve blouse gives the impression of expensive women's clothing. A mauve tie does the same for a man. When decorating a home, mauve in the entrance foyer sets the stage for power people living in a powerhouse. Needless to say, an office needs to include mauve as an accent color to give potential clients or customers, the impression, "I don't need your money...I am successful."

To attract money and the ability to solve problems, the number 8 color coordinate, mauve, will help. In Hong Kong, Chinese know the #8 is lucky and pay thousands to have #8 on the auto license plate. Imagine...the height of a power vibration,,,a mauve car with a #8 license plate! That's my objective.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


May 2009 should bring improvements in the market, notable inventions and examination and analysis of the inner workings of committees and governments. The "secrets" of May, when revealed in June, lead to economic progress.

Expect to experience a "still and deep" month with focus on disputes within committees or nations, controversies over rights and principles and developments - although positive - are kept secret.

Public attention will be drawn to elements related to water...waterways and dam improvements and long water journeys. Media attention will be drawn to public displays of irritation in the cities, individuals will perfect budgeting plans and social activity is kept to a minimum.

May promises to be a month of improvements in finances although the 14 through the 21 will bring in some misleading information. The 1 through 7 are particularly good for those individuals, businesses and nations willing to re-examine. research and analyze.

Overall, with conclusions of a few problems between the 7 and 14 and political gaffs and a slightly erratic market between the 21 and 31, May prepares June for growth.

June 2009 ushers-in expression of accumulated irritations, substantial expansion, business promotions and powerful attempts at financial and political problem-solving.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This Numerologist assessment of the first 100 days...The smiling-est White House - the most family-friendly White House - the most "lived-in" White House...Our President and First lady turned a sterile, dry, cool, formal, accepting rather than welcoming, atmosphere into the expression of their shared #2 Destiny.

Today's White House has incorporated the #2 Destiny elements of intimacy, cooperation, sensitivity to details, receptivity, gentleness, friendliness, rhythm of life, music, patience, diplomacy, charm, consideration for others and love. In 100 days, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - "1600" - an address that attract aloofness, intellectual curiosity and detachment from emotion...The White House has become a home.

The #2 Destiny foretells a lifetime of learning to share for Michelle and Barack. Time together teaches them to partner and be sensitive to situations that require one partner or the other, to be "the power behind the throne"at times. We're not born knowing what life has to offer. We learn as we live. Married on October 18, 1997, married for over eleven years, Michelle and Barack, with the character and personalities of #1 types, independent achievers, are learning to patiently support one another through the opportunities offered by their #2 Destiny.

We see the Obama's hand-holding, chatting quietly, sharing intimacies and note the facial expressions of pride and warmth when separated during a speech or a presidential event. We read that the president eats breakfast and dinner with his family and relishes his "home office" that gives him the opportunities to share in his children's daily activities. The busy Obama's seem to make time for each other because they've learned the value of cooperative partnership and intimate friendship.

There's no doubt that, in the first 100 days, our #2 Destiny influenced First Family, is showing the nation and the world an example of what cooperation, friendliness and love can bring to the coolest of situations.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tomorrow's numerology's day for action - a #8 Universal - today's #7 Universal Day is for observing and analyzing. It's women in the news...Michelle, Sarah, Nadya, Megan, Carla, Salma - a few notable names that pop up with the seven unknown names of Polish and French young women prisoners of Auschwitz who penciled a note, cemented it in a wall September 1944, 65 years ago, in the hope of being remembered.

While reinforcing a cement wall, on a work crew for the Nazis, seven courageous women between 18 and 23, risked immediate death in the hope of leaving a trace of themselves....noble women to be compared to...'s more fortunate trace-ables: Michelle Obama, setting a First Lady, wife and mother example of grace, charity and intellect...
...Sarah Palin, with the gifts of prominence, good looks and communications skills, charged with ethics complaints for her personal use of her legal defense fund and whining - she might have to declare personal bankruptcy...
...Octo-Mom, Nadya Suleman, drawing media attention by accusing herself of ingesting too much caffeine - being the cause of one of her fourteen children's autism and patting herself on the back for not allowing a man to pick her up in a supermarket...
...Carla Bruni-Sarkozy didn't curtsy - kissed the Spanish Queen - to show she's on a par with "Our Michelle" who hugged Britain's untouchable, Queen Elizabeth, however, Michelle got hugged back...
...Susan Boyle is perkin' up her unvarnished looks and fashion style...makeover to be admired, not hooted...
...Megan McCallister, fiance of Boston, med student, accused murderer, Philip Markoff, "stands by her man" - still loves him - however, the band booked for the June wedding bash was cancelled...
...Momma, Mexico's stunning, actress, movie writer-producer, business woman extraordinaire, Salma Hayek, remarried her French multi-multi-millionaire husband a second time in Venice, divorces allowed there...

...#7 analytic Universal Day conclusion: the women of today's news are a mixed bag...a few to be admired, a few to ignore and seven to remember.

Monday, April 27, 2009


What makes anyone think that Susan Boyle doesn't know exactly how she appears and what she is aiming for? Her talents are born in her #6 soul...she has the rhythm of life behind every note and lessons, practice and a #7 intellect - scrutinizing opportunities and perfecting every move she makes.

Susan's an observer who analyzes. In addition she is clever at self promotion...a multi-task er with an eye for detail. Is she hurt by nasty comments. Very much. However she can be a subtle manipulator and appear to ignore unpleasant experiences.

Susan's destiny includes many challenges to her sensitivity. However, from 2005 through 2013, she is in a #8 "power, money and problem-solving" nine year cycle. Born in the sixth month of the calendar year, June, on the #6 day, her #6 soul is supported by meeting people and experiences that are compatible and recognize her as a musical kindred spirit.

Susan's greatest successes will come from working with a partner - singing duets., She will hog the spotlight. However, her good fortune is to be found surrounded by groups - like a choir - and with a "mate"- a partner. Perhaps, with her innate intelligence, her independence can be squelched. However, there is a needy little girl lurking inside of Susan that will always try to find unconditional love...often in the wrong places.

It is unlikely that Susan has never been kissed or "turned on." She is sensual, curious and knows how to make a lover comfortable. While taking care of her mother, she's taken singing lessons, been coached to perform before audiences, maintained relationships at her village pub, enjoyed applause singing Karaoke...and, will satisfy her feelings of restlessness and desire for adventure between her 47 and 49 birthdays.

We'll see a serious, more elegant, focused performer after June of 2010. Susan's life may appear to be at sixes and sevens and she has only one major Challenge to overcome...personalizing, over-emotionalizing, self-absorption However, there are powerful eights to protect her health and financial success in her motivation and Destiny. Her success in later years is assured...her successes in 2009 are at sixes and sevens.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


For a man who respects preparation - and observes consistent planning, managing and organizing - in detail - "luck" isn't usually an option for President Obama. However, in a #5 "expect the unexpected 'cause plans will be changed" Personal Year, we expect May - his #1 "begin projects" Personal Month - will see him doing things more spontaneously. He'll take action when happenings encourage him to shuffle his priorities and solve problems by the "hunt and peck" - "play your hunch" methods.

#5 is an adventurous, fast paced's year long cycle includes mental and physical travel, surprises and learning from experience - not books or past performance. Although January is the first month of 2009, it was not the true beginning of Obama's #5 Personal Year of surprises and progress through versatility.

In a #5 Personal Year, the #1 month of instigation's. spontaneity, new enthusiasms, experimentation , adaptability is May...and, May brings in new goals and challenges that include a variety of adventures for our Pres. He likes to be prepared. There is no way to prepare for happenings that are out of the ordinary and have no routine.

The most challenging aspects between May and the beginning of October for President Obama, are to welcome new situations and people to make room for the new but not to scatter efforts and interests...the prevailing atmosphere of change leaves no time for concentration - actions are immediate and most will include untried ventures.

Obama needs the freedom to experiment in 2009. His greatest talent is problem-solving efficiently. He will have good luck. Between May and September's constant changes, he'll need it.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


This numerologist has been waiting for the second shoe to drop...expecting a rise in Mob...Mafia...influence on the desperate in the current economy. Whose got cash now? Who lends to the jobless and hopeless? Who has the manpower and image to intimidate? Not to say that The Mob ever went away. They've been hovering since the Cosa Nostra crash and this is their moment in the sun.

They're back...larger than AIG ...buying premium real estate, supermarkets, gas stations and making loans to cash poor businesses. In Milan, Rome - throughout Italy their board of directors meet to connect with China's flourishing crime bosses, who manufacture "Gucci", Vuiton", Chanel", to import to Italy and export to the US, Great Britain, France, Germany, Australia...they make fabulous fakes that bring in greater profits than drug-trafficking.

Ever watchful for restaurateurs seeking capitol, manufacturers selling off inventory, office building owners cutting rents...they are well organized for stepping in with loan-sharking, high interest loans - offers one cannot refuse when desperate - waiting for the loan not to be repaid. Then then Mob owns the lender and the business.

It's not only loan-sharking to jobless, foreclosed upon, physically ill individuals that is putting Mafia founded problems in the forefront today. Neighborhood grocer to mass-market clothing manufacturer and book publisher - to maintain and stay afloat through slow cycles - in every area of the economy - requires cash-flow. In your neighborhood.. your lifestyle...after you can't get a bank loan, exhaust family and friends, try gambling in Vegas for a miracle...who stands ready with bulging pockets? Who do you turn to? If it's the loan-sharking Mafia, you have bigger problems than before.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Like Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Barack Obama, Oprah...Jay Leno has confidence without arrogance. I like him. So, first order of my day is to calculate Jay Leno's chart to see if there was a serious reason why he checked into the hospital yesterday.

James Douglas Muir (Jay) Leno, Born on April 28, 1950, according to numerology, has chronic problems, like allergies and rashes brought on by emotional stress. He's a really sensitive guy who wants unconditional love. His close relationship to his mother (#2 Challenge), lack of preparation for surprises and changes (#5 Challenge) and insecurity about his social self and appearance (#3 Challenge) imbalance him emotionally. Numerology's identification of emotional Challenge imbalances indicate changes in body chemistry that effect specific areas of the body. These chemical changes are the basis for dis-ease.

Jay might have reproductive organ (#5) or throat problems (#3) during his lifetime. But for now, Jays' going through a #7 Personal Year...#7 Personal Years do a number on all of us. Every nine years we go through a spiritual inner growth cycle...Jay's asking himself, 'What am I gonna' be when I grow up?" He's taking himself seriously and although...

...Jay's natural instinct is to be a happy, optimistic, playful spotlight-stealer - comfortable playing with his toys, between March and September of 2009, his lighthearted, youthful boyishness will deepen to a more serious outlook, accompanied by a need for privacy, to accommodate his inner questioning. We'll see an energized, less introspective, more outgoing Jay bounce back in October.

It seems that Jay Leno does not have a life threatening medical problem. Now that I've settled that concern, comparisons I've made to Leno come to mind. On this #3 "let's communicate" Universal Day, contemplate this one...There are people - Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, Hitler, Palin, Limbaugh and England's Prince Charles that use arrogance to show confidence. Then there's Leno, Newman, Obama, Redford, Oprah...examples of confidence without arrogance. I like their style.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Barack Obama and Susan Boyle, both in numerology #5 "expect the unexpected, surprises bring pivotal changes" Personal Year, begin the unconventional, extraordinarily fast paced activity in May. In this #2 Universal year, May the fifth month of the calendar year is a numerologists #7 "wait, analyze, read the fine print" Universal Month.

Forecasting for Barack and Susan, it's the #1 Personal Month that starts the #5 Personal Year adventures that are startling and lead to learning from experience.

Forecasting May, the #7 Universal Month is a 'break time - it brings in a need for even more patience. Voices we want to hear will be silent. While trying to improve and perfect Barack's changes and Susan's image, there will be naysayers, legal complications and secrets.

Michelle Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton, all in the #7 Personal Month, will be planning for June high activity and will lay low in May. Sarah Palin, Janet Napolitano, Joe Biden and Bin laden - all in the #11/2 Personal Month, will evangelize to attract followers and run into petty problems and delays. We'll hear more futile pushes-for-power talk from John McCain in public while his wife, Cindy (in her #9 Personal Year of conclusions and #5 Personal Month of making a break for freedom) offers him a few surprises at home.

May is never dull! However, because Barack and Susan are in the same numerology cycle each year, I think 2009 May will make it hard for The Pres and Susan Boyle to get day-to-day objectives accomplished - maintaining their positions while visualizing new goals and ideas, is particularly challenging.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

#1 and #9 Days Could BVe Better

It's a numerology #1 Universal Day and knowing I was slated to find something new...while wondering what was new, I found that my blog site provider had changed and added niceties to the entry page. That's a good thing. Wondering what's new with Susan Boyle and discovered she's changed her style of dress... bit more fashionable dark, colorful print and very complimentary. Thank goodness, the face is the same. That's a good thing. New "sweeping" changes to be added by Obama to the Credit Cardholder's Bill of Rights. A Good thing! The bill has to pass the House...lotsa luck with the banks...not such a good thing.,

Sad news of the suicide of 41 years old, David Kellerman, Freddie Mac's, 16 year veteran. In my #9 "endings, draw conclusions, get the overview and philosophize" Personal Day, it's Earth Day! Wanna' do a feel-good. However, everyday in 2009 has been too earthy for me. The mix of #1 Universal "new" reflections and Personal #9 "past" reflections seems like everything old is new again.

#1 and #9 Days Could BVe Better

It's a numerology #1 Universal Day and knowing I was slated to find something new...while wondering what was new, I found that my blog site provider had changed and added niceties to the entry page. That's a good thing. Wondering what's new with Susan Boyle and discovered she's changed her style of dress... bit more fashionable dark, colorful print and very complimentary. Thank goodness, the face is the same. That's a good thing. New "sweeping" changes to be added by Obama to the Credit Cardholder's Bill of Rights. A Good thing! The bill has to pass the House...lotsa luck with the banks...not such a good thing.,

Sad news of the suicide of 41 years old, David Kellerman, Freddie Mac's, 16 year veteran. In my #9 "endings, draw conclusions, get the overview and philosophize" Personal Day, it's Earth Day! Wanna' do a feel-good. However, everyday in 2009 has been too earthy for me. The mix of #1 Universal "new" reflections and Personal #9 "past" reflections seems like everything old is new again.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


My #8 "think about money, problem solving and power-plays" Personal Day, puts fine wine, stocks, homes, autos, cruises and legal sex sales to mind. I'm thinkin' positive and looking for price cuts...they're around and some are in the strangest places.

I'm waiting to see what China's BYD Auto's electric cars and their competition to Toyota's Lexus and Audi will sell for. China makes things cheap and since September, BYD Auto has Warren Buffet as an investor. So, in August, we can expect to see premium cars - not the usual basic cheapo - now China's auto makers want to compete in premium quality as well as price.

if you've got money...fine wine auctions abound. Put the reds down for a ten year investment and you've got a nest egg. Solid stocks are available cheaper than before and if you've got ten years to allow for'll probably be a multi-millionaire at retirement. Home bargains demand big cash down payment, good credit, a job and willingness to enjoy the bargain house for many years. First time time buyers have the edge. Usually young with growing families, they will stay in a house for over ten years. And if you have money and time...too bad few are dirt cheap. However, the best buys in a necessary commodity are to be found in Germany, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Turkey and some parts of Australia and Nevada...

...with falling demand for legal prostitution (pros have contracts, health insurance and lobbying groups) cities are losing tax revenue which is a major source of revenues. Innovative houses of prostitution are sponsoring shuttle buses, offering unlimited, all-inclusive FRB (just like the high-rollers get in Vegas) - group sex party rates, - discounts for seniors and taxi drivers and if you're a golfer, you get a special rebate. Berlin's Pussy Club offers a flat rate of about $100. from 10 to 4 daily, for unlimited food, drink and sex. With all their adaptations to the problems of the economy, prostitutes face a damaging threat from amateurs moonlighting from regular jobs on weekends offering sex for less. Without pros benefits, an amateur might not be a bargain.

So, if you're looking for bargains, be positive, check advertising for changing offerings and expect to negotiate, you'll find sellers adapting to falling demand in lifestyle necessities and some - in strange places. On my #8 Personal Day, I'm using it to solve problems.

Monday, April 20, 2009


OH blunder! Blunder! Yesterday's blog about Susan Boyle is numerology profile and prediction accurate - however, one numerologists habit became a glitch.

Susan is born on the 15 of June - not the 6. The pure #6 puts relationships, music and the roots of home first. It's easier for Susan to travel, explore the unknown and maintain her individuality and spontaneous enthusiasms with a #15 birthday behind the #6. Confusing? Let me explain...

...rule #1 in numerology is to add multiple numbers to reduce the number to a single digit. The single digit number meaning is most influential. I was going on automatic-professional, after almost forty years of numerology system focus, the 15 (1 + 5 = 6) became a 6 in my mind's eye. A mistake and a wake-up call to slow-down...with my #1 challenge, I'm always in a hurry.

Although yesterday's Susan Boyle birthday reading is the same overall... the 1 and 5 behind the #6 total add more flavor and complexity to Ms. Boyle's personality and destiny..

The 1 adds more independence, desire for progress and willingness to be "different." The influence of these self-starter, active mental energy numbers decrease her #6 stay-in-one-place and be comfortable, nesting focus. The #5 adds to Susan Boyle's abilities "to be all things to all people" - to multi-task, be adventurous and attract publicity. The #5 wants to live life to the fullest and experience the unknown.

It''s more interesting to know that the numbers 1 and 5 behind the reduced number 6, bring out the human complexities in Susan Boyle. Watching her youthful spontaneous reactions will show you the #5 within and add color to the parental, dignified, conventional #6. All numbers behind a reduction should be considered when reading a numerology chart and all numerologists should remember that the only mistakes you can make are the result of adding 2 + 2 and getting 7 or being too hasty. It seems that rule #2 in numerology calculating is to be slow and sure.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Predicting Susan Boyle's future and searching back through her childhood is numerology fun. From her instant recognition, It seems that anyone from Ashton Kutcher to Oprah to Bo, the First Dog, would predict fame and fortune. But, what is really in store for Susan Boyle? Will she ever get kissed or marry? Will she permit a makeover to change her looks? Will she get taken-over by managers, agents and media hype? This numerologist has the answers.

It wasn't out of character for Susan to want to sing or to care for her elderly mother. She has a #6 Natural Instinct that makes her comfortable nurturing, teaching, comforting and collecting lasting relationships. Her roots are deep. Her morals and ethics are high-minded and she would expect everyone to live up to her standards. She has a strongly practical, hands-on, hard-working Soul Urge. To attract people and experiences that make her comfortable, Susan should wear the color blue.

The first name "Susan" and the family name, "Boyle", both spiritually special #11/2, give her the knowledge that she is intended to be and do something to uplift others and leave a lasting image. Susan has always known that she is "special." To reinforce her ability to attract a following, she should wear white metal jewelry and the color silver.

Since puberty, Susan's #1 Self Image that is also her First Impression number, makes her independent and willing to fight city hall for the things she believes. She appears to be different and wants to be the one to break the mold...break with a "first." Wearing the color red, will stimulate independent activity.

Intelligence is Susan's strong suite...her #7 Means of Self Expression helps her rsearch, analyze and calculate how to use her talents and find ways to make herself comfortable. Susan is a perfectionist. From the talents in the name "Boyle", she is a constant multi-task er, risk-taker and her own best promoter. The royal purple is her #7 color. Wearing purple will enhance her ability to attract professionals, to support her aristocratic tastes and maintain her perfectionist focus.

Born on June 6, 1961, Susan's #20/2 destiny will put her in a position to marry in a few years and if she avoids over-emotionalizing, collecting petty irritations and expecting unconditional love from all, partnerships will serve her well. She is a late bloomer and matured at 35. Life was unsettled until 2005 when she entered a #8 money, power and problem-solving nine year cycle. She will thrive through 2013 - achieve her greatest success between the 21 and 30 of September 2012, and enjoy travel and new enthusiasms through 2022. The Wisdom cycle of Susan's life begins at age 63 when her health improves, stamina increases and her power position is improved.

The color orange is Susan's Destiny color. However, she has Challenges to her Destiny Number and it's best if she avoids wearing or surrounding herself with orange tones. Since colors attract the the type of people and experiences that have the number meaning, Susan will not be thrown off by emotionally challenging problems if orange is avoided.

Susan Boyle's lucky numbers - 6, 1, 7 and her Destiny Number 2 are fun for this numerologist to know and analyze. Although Susan is a "late bloomer", I expect she will make dramatic changes between June of 2011 and June of 2012. It is possible she will fall in love that same year and live happily ever after with a supportive, sensitive Destiny mate.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Goin' Fishing

My #5 "vacation from structure" Personal Day...while recovering from the ridiculousness of actor Ashton Kutcher drawing a million Tweets - beating out the CNN network - frumpy, funny, surprising Susan Doyle's bringing folks to hope and tears and the "I'm gonna' walk the talk" spiff-up-media-focus return of Alaska's "lipstick totin' Barracuda", I'm goin' fishing.

Friday, April 17, 2009


It's not difficult on my numerology #4 Personal Day of practical reality, to know that talent show producers knew Susan Boyle's middle-aged, plain and natural looks would make judges and audience alike, prejudge her. Just as Republican electioneering honchos and John McCain knew that voters would prejudge Sarah Palin by her youth, outer beauty and come-hither look. Both women were presented with care and took the public by surprise. What lies ahead?

Both Susan Boyle and Sarah Palin are ambitious, at-first-blush-foolers. (The first letter "S", of both their first names tell us that they want independent success.) They appear to be different. Experienced promoters know though their talents are different their tenaciousness and feeling of being ":special" - above the crowd - are alike.

We'll see if Boyle, now revealed to be a humor-filled, courageous woman who sacrificed youth taking care of an elderly mother is "for real." She's a church volunteer who, it is said, maintains her simple, uncomplicated first-impression and sings Karaoke regularly at her village pub. Sounds good!

Palin has never been a "for real" talent. as a public servant. She's hidden selfishness, has not sacrificed and does not maintain the uncomplicated, dedicated mother picture she first presented. We have seen pictures of how she used her courage shooting fleeing wild moose from a low flying helicopter ,schepps her "special needs" baby from office to find-raisers and preaches her religious zeal with Palin-Poop." Not too good!

What lies ahead? Both women were represented to the public by very sophisticated honchos, with their own agendas, who know that these women exemplify the old adage, You can't judge a book by it''s cover" and will use Susan Boyle's musical talent and frumpy facade and Sarah Palin's looks and "gift of gab" to their own advantage.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


It's numerology's #6 "focus on family, relationships and balancing rights and wrongs" Universal Month, so, family values are top news. Here's a tip for what not-to-do and a a place to go for suggestions for what-to-do for parents and kids.

Natural parents are straining to maintain homes for their children and suffering the anxiety and depression that accompanies job loss - or fears of job loss and it's disgusting to read that Nadya "Octo-Mom" Suleman has paid $550. to lawyers to apply for her trademarked nickname. News of the increase in abused infants and children reported by hospitals followed Octomom's lawyer's announcement that Octomom's trademarked name would inspire these same parents to pay to put her greed and disgrace on the backs of their kids. Both news stories are horrific.

Would you buy infant diapers, sleepwear, tees and other necessities with the "Octomom" label? Nadya assumes you will. Just as she assumes you'll follow her and takes money from, the National Enquirer web site, for exclusive rights to her notoriety. Now, she's gonna' capitalize on royalties from product sales. Her lawyer says it's a boon for taxpayers and will keep Nadya off the publicly subsidized charity lines. I will never understand lawyers: Anything can be rationalized!

It's not difficult to understand why parents would have more resentment and frustration - less patience for spilled milk and no reason for singing nursery rhymes. It is difficult to imagine anyone - doting grandparent or desperate parent - putting the "Octomom" label anywhere near a child to save on taxes. However...good and bad strange things have happened. has a great article by Gretchen Rubin that includes "twelve commandments" to ease the day-to-day stresses of the short-on-money-short-on-patience parent. Her advice is free, sensible and may save a child from hurt or death and a parent from grief and regret. You can find everything you look for in America...there is self-serving Nadya Suleman and there is empathetic journalist, Gretchen Rubin, who does understand the stressful feelings of hopelessness and fear this economy is having on parenting and voluntarily contributes rather than being-on-the-take.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Reading through the news is a mind-boggling experience day-by-day. Some stories do not compute.

Like...J P Morgan Chase Bank gets the go-ahead to build a corporate jet hanger...

and...Michigan public officials driving foreign cars...Detroit deputy mayor drives a Lexus...State Reps. driving Subaru, Mitsubishi and City manager, Larry Wilson, makes it perfectly clear, "I can buy whatever I want to in this country."

Visualize a a guy stepping on a Python snake. The snake lifts the man into a tree. The man gets his cell out of his jacket pocket and phones his boss for help. Then bites the tail of the 13' Python...snakes tail is thorny so man get a bit of a cut...and is pulled out of tree with Python still wrapped around him and is now safe and sound...Python was taken to preserve, slipped under door and escaped...Python still at large.

Currently there is a Bed Bug infestation worldwide...not since the 1950's have bed bugs united to bite their way into the front pages. A Summit headed by the Environmental Protection Agency , in an Arlington hotel (that is bed bug free at the moment), is looking into a solution to the infestation since there are few chemicals on the market approved for use on mattresses.

A Gitmo prisoner phoned a TV station...wants a reality show? And must have thought of the idea due to the slimes, Octo-Mom and Blagojevich tagged for TV fame and as we speak, are in contract negotiations.

Ultra religious, Mel Gibson divorcing wife of twenty-eight years and umpteen children, for hottie he met on movie set four years ago. Wasn't he pushing Catholicism's , "Passion of the Christ" - his heavily publicized as upholding his religions morals, ethics and standards - not to mention "doctrines", ultra-biggoted Jesus flick, at the same time?

Finally...with mind-boggled - I read, an effort to maintain the elephant population in Poland the Polish Zoo has purchased a gay elephant......something wrong with this picture.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


After listening to President Obama address the nation this morning, as if he was speaking to grownups, I am relieved. The information was promise of immediate stimulus quick-fix...just slow change for the better...however, I came away with clarity on all the growth points he made...the now of it and the future...and, I think he spoke his truth. I can accept that as my truth. His do-nothing, private agenda critics do him injustice.

After the speech. my feelings are so Second World War...To feel confidence in the president's ideas and visualizations...I have hope again and again I have a visualization - in my memory, so Franklin D. Roosevelt. Obama, like Roosevelt, spoke directly to me. Obama made very clear his five pillars, planted on a rock foundation for the nation's future. Roosevelt's bullet points were cemented into a solid rock of unified American people. Today, although he didn't say it, the people are the "rock foundation" of which Obama speaks. As adults, given detailed information - educated to understand the why of problems, we can get behind the President's goals if we choose to unify.

Many people say, there's no job for me now and cannot enjoy the information or the visualization. However, at least they're being treated as adults, learning, getting detailed information that relates to their problems and a plan. After, so many years of non-reality promises, generalizations in thud and duh presidential speeches, just knowing more about what's happening to me brings emotional relief.

If there is less ignorance and more information, I hope it will revitalize the people's ability to use the patience of maturity and join together . We were a mighty nation after Pearl Harbor - this is the Pearl Harbor of the new millennium and supported by knowledge, we should be able to visualize how a safer, more secure, productive future can be attained.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Numerologists' Analysis of Bo's Birth Name, AMIGOS NEW HOPE

Yesterday, I analyzed First Dog's nickname, BO. However, numerology natal charting requires the First Dog's name on the birth certificate - not the nickname, BO - to unleash the depths of his personality and character. AMIGOS NEW HOPE, Bo's birth name reveals...

...from the vowels in Bo's birth name - a #5, we learn what makes him comfortable and that spiritually, his "Soul Urge" may make him candidate for immediate training. The number 5 makes BO freedom loving, curious, enthusiastic about everything and probably going to stick his snoot into places it shouldn't be - Bo's gonna' be unpredictable at times. From the name #7, AMIGOS, his intelligence is guaranteed. The middle name #5, NEW, indicates emotional flexibility and indicates that he'll deal with many people effortlessly and take new new experiences in his stride. The last name #11/2, HOPE, indicates that he is sensitive and may be a bit high strung and nervous when the women on his life are upset. His natural instinct overview indicates that he he'll use new, unexpected experiences as learning tools.

The #1 consonants in AMIGOS, indicates a sense of humor - playfulness and beautiful eyes and a memorable voice. Middle name, #1, NEW, indicates a desire for independence and leadership. The last name consonants for #6, HOPE, indicate a comforting, sturdy, nurturing first impression.

BO's #6 talents are revealed from numerology's #6 total of all the letters in the name, AMIGOS NEW HOPE. The number 6 total reveals a need for balance in relationships, love of home and family and the talent to show emotional concern as the center of an adoring family. He will be responsive to moods, music and affection. His #1 name AMIGOS, indicates he wants to be alpha and with other animals will take the lead. He will challenge human authority and learn when to mind his manners. BO has the strength, stamina, problem-solving abilities of the #8, from his last name, HOPE. Combining his name talents, BO is the cosmic Papa who will take independent action when needed and guard the First Family like a good CEO...covering all bases.

Numerologists believe, "There are no coincidences!" BO's #8 nickname descriptions include the numbers 2 and 6. The birth name descriptions numbers 5,1 and 6, indicate how "coincidentally" similar the name descriptions are.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


He's here! A gift of Portuguese Water Dog fancier, Ted Kennedy...No, not the Easter Bunny, It's BO, the First Dog, probably heading' for the White House lawn to find his egg shaped dogie bones. He's a numerology #8, strong like bull, energetic and shrewd. A problem-solver learning to avoid marking his territory on the what-could-be a problematic carpet in a problem-filled Oval Office..

The name BO...B A #2, and O, A #6, are the first letters of Barack Obama. The initials of the Pres. Ti's said, the Obama girl's named him with First Lady, Michelle's dad, called "Diddley", in mind. No matter...Bo has his own personality and character.

BO is a #8 talent and means of self-expression with protective traits, strength and mental agility. His natural instincts - the things that make him comfortable - he wants to be the center of an adoring family. He wants a family to love, stability and a secure, comfortable nest. He's not a one person pet and needs a lot of exercise. He is obsessive in his concern for his family....a bit of a worrier. His first impression...not pushy and appears to be sensitive and gentle. Great name!

Days after Passover and on a #9 "empathetic, compassionate, philosophical" Universal Day, this Easter Sunday, finally...the long-awaited pup brings a smile and there's a visual of the patient Obama girls in delight - and, a moment of family-style joy to share

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Birthday numbers may be luckier for some than for others - faster to accept a need for change - in this unexpected economy. When it comes to independently making changes, being comfortable with risks and thinking out of the box, some birthdays are more helpful.

Numerologists can forecast the birthday numbers that describe types of people that adapt to job loss by making changes in objectives and expectations more quickly than others.. Birthday numbers also identify people who are inclined to wait - expect that help will come to them through relationships, investigations, social contacts and miracles.

The numbers in the entire date of birth influence a lifetime. The birthday part of the birth date describes overall career talents and the type of opportunities that arise between ages 28 and 55 approximately. If you're wondering why a neighbor lost his high-pay-management techie-designer-programming job, realized the odds were against him for immediate employment and opened a hot dog stand almost immediately...the following birthday information may answer your question.

#1, #10, #19, #28 birthdays are independent, creative self-starters. These birthdays are more inclined to take control of a situation, want to solve their problems instantly and open their own business.

#5, #14, #23 birthdays are multi-task-er-risk-takers who create opportunities to do many things at one time and will leave hometown predictability for the challenging rush of a gold-rush-gold-mining town with the prospect of becoming a strike-it-rich-prospector.

#8, #17, #26 birthdays are problem-solvers who want the freedom that money and power can buy. They organize and manage the unexpected financial problems, have work energy and the ambition to want to make everything they do payoff.

Other birthdays will have different approaches to a need to make changes. They solve problems in different ways. Some emotionalize and detail too much before they get started. Some visualize solutions to problems, talk about what they're gonna' do and scatter energy when they should focus. Others get caught in family obligations and assume burdens for everyone until they cannot help themselves. Then there are some birthdays that think, think and think again - research for the perfect solution to the problem and cannot take action. Finally, there are birthdays that philosophize problems. These dramatic, romantics are out to save the world and will attempt to start a non-profit to help others they see as less fortunate then themselves.

So, some birthdays have personality traits that need time to find solutions. Some birthdays seem to be luckier than others by accepting change, adapting and solving problems almost immediately.

Friday, April 10, 2009


...awoke this morning comparing UFO - Unidentified Flying Objects - sightings with the rocket-like Stock Market rally...both are interesting and unlikely to hold up under scrutiny.

Numerology's number value for the letters, UFO calculates like this...U = 3, F = 6 and O = 6. Add the 3 + 6 + 6 = 15, add again - 1 + 5 = #6. Numerology's' definition of the number 6 is domestic focus. That keeps UFOs in our galaxy...basically coming from earth. Flash sightings are unsupported by data and...

...the Stock Market is comprised of many "UFOs"...Unidentified Flying Objects called stocks - domestically based, with fluctuating signals flashing on and off mysteriously, unsupported by economic data.

In 2009, Numerology's #11/2 Universal Year cycle, the #11 spiritual visionary explains the unexplainable and the #2 materially explains the bevy of often unsubstantiated, delaying details being revealed. Nowhere in this equation is there a practical foundation for prolonged activity or a means to predict a time when proven data reports will put an end to the mysterious.


...awoke this morning comparing UFO - Unidentified Flying Objects - sightings with the rocket-like Stock Market rally...both are interesting and unlikely to hold up under scrutiny.

Numerology's number value for the letters, UFO calculates like this...U = 3, F = 6 and O = 6. Add the 3 + 6 + 6 = 15, add again - 1 + 5 = #6. Numerology's' definition of the number 6 is domestic focus. That keeps UFOs in our galaxy...basically coming from earth. Flash sightings are unsupported by data and...

...the Stock Market is comprised of many "UFOs"...Unidentified Flying Objects called stocks - domestically based, with fluctuating signals flashing on and off mysteriously, unsupported by economic data.

In 2009, Numerology's #11/2 Universal Year cycle, the #11 spiritual visionary explains the unexplainable and the #2 materially explains the bevy of often unsubstantiated, delaying details being revealed. Nowhere in this equation is there a practical foundation for prolonged activity or a means to predict a time when proven data reports will put an end to the mysterious.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Tis sad, the largest building project in the world, the 9 billion dollar Las Vegas City Center, an MGM Mirage and Dubai World extravaganza geared to spiff up a becoming tawdry strip, may be doomed to bankruptcy. The economy is hurting corporations that own Vegas now. However, corporations run Vegas on spread sheet checks and balances - casino employees use business etiquette. If "the Boys" maned the tables, we'd see gamblers loyalty. Steady gamblers were 'family" before the 80's. Families stick together when times are tough and Vegas regulars - little fish or gigunda whales - would be loyal to their adopted Vegas uncles and come home when times are tough.

Corporations courted penurious engineers who attended tech conventions and went to sleep at 9. They invited families with toddlers that left strollers in the way of perspiring gamblers rushing to the sound of a hot streak at a crap table. Corporations think like corporations. This surprising Las Vegas Pearl Harbor blow never would have happened if "The Boys" were protecting the "family business.".

They took a risk in the 1930's on Bugsy Segal's Flamingo Hotel extravaganza - a gold mine in the middle of the desert - that laid the foundation of impeccable hospitality and reckless generosity to gamblers and created the miracle that became Las Vegas.

After corporations took over Las Vegas hospitality things really changed from warm to cool. Pre 1980's corporate takeover of hotel-casinos, you gambled without calculating how-many-hours you stayed at a machine or stood at a table. True, you had to meet casino bosses expectations. However, they never made you conscious of it. It's not that way now.

The Boys" seemed to nurture, comfort and ply you with gifts anyway you played - as long as you stayed more than three days and returned and returned. They commiserated with you if you were losing...suggested you go home and return at another time - presumably when your luck would be better . If you were winning, they sent Dom Perignon your rooms and made sure you celebrated. As long as you came home to them regularly, knowing that the house always wins in the long run - no matter how they got your money, you were treated like family.

Tis sad...If the 9 billion dollar City Center - a complex of hotels, shops, condos, casinos...bling and glitz - .must fail, it will hurt 8,500 construction workers - 10,000 permanent workers and collapse the city "The Boys" built. The original Las Vegas investors have critics too - as well as supporters like me. However, think them "good people" or "no-so-good-people". I cannot believe "The Boys" would lose their classy "cool" or their protective brand of checks and balances or their visionary talents and let Vegas sink to this embarrassing level.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Thinkin' and drinkin' in this confusing era is becoming a nasty habit. Thinkin' about Obama's urging us to spend money now and save it later just rattles my dwindling savings and boggles my mind. He makes intellectual sense. My emotions do not compute. Gotta' create a better habit.

The answers to doing the "right thing" are fuzzy enough without a drink. With a drink, I remember reading that a cat made a miracle: survived five weeks buried under fallen concrete. I imagine that if a cat survived five weeks and solved it's problems, I can find a way to surface too.

Living alone makes it too easy to drink alone. There are many reasons why - young or old - that's not a good idea. So, after my basic tenet, never drive when drinking, is my promise to me to think sober and drink with company.

Into correcting a bad habit, solving problems before I create them and thinkin' safe, now I'm on a roll with safety nets for drinkin' in general and particularly in this emotionally challenging economy.

My rules for "Drinkin' Good" are on the frig for easy reference. If you're into thinkin' and drinkin' - visualizing the worst scenario and writing act three before you live act one...

Ground rules: never drink and drive.
never drink alone.
never drink depressed.

6 Steps to being a "Good Drinker."

1. Prepare to drink by drinking water before and after to avoid dehydration.
2. Know how you're going to get home.
3. Don't accept a drink from someone you don't know.
3. Sip...don't guzzle.
4. Don't allow people to refill your glass=you won't know how-much you're consuming.
5. Avoid salty foods but, be sure to eat.

Only 5 rules when I know I have 6??? Was I drinkin' while I was thinkin'?