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Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The number wisdom for today and for the month of June 2009: Seize the power. A #8 Universal vibration directs nations and people to solve problems. So? - you may ask...what does that mean to me?

Investments mean a lot. It's timely to think about getting back into the market or adding to your 401K or making any major purchases...there are bargains to be found. There are risks. However, in a #8 influence, there are less risky risks.

Exercise means a lot. It's timely to begin a fitness regimen...particularly between 6 AM and Noon. The #8 in the air adds stamina and ambition to the day's goals.

Practical problem-solving means a lot. You can handle bigger jobs, organize and improve finances with a willingness to work at it . Today you "reap what you sow."

Leadership means a lot. Today, if you want to take a challenge, you're more likely to handle leadership with vision, courage and strength.

Engineering projects speed up and expand.

World leaders are able to put big deals through - director's meetings are progressive and problems surface to be solved. International business activity is heightened. There are expansions and increases. Large scale plans are put into motion.

So...a numerology #8 Universal influence may mean a lot to you.

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