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Friday, April 17, 2009


It's not difficult on my numerology #4 Personal Day of practical reality, to know that talent show producers knew Susan Boyle's middle-aged, plain and natural looks would make judges and audience alike, prejudge her. Just as Republican electioneering honchos and John McCain knew that voters would prejudge Sarah Palin by her youth, outer beauty and come-hither look. Both women were presented with care and took the public by surprise. What lies ahead?

Both Susan Boyle and Sarah Palin are ambitious, at-first-blush-foolers. (The first letter "S", of both their first names tell us that they want independent success.) They appear to be different. Experienced promoters know though their talents are different their tenaciousness and feeling of being ":special" - above the crowd - are alike.

We'll see if Boyle, now revealed to be a humor-filled, courageous woman who sacrificed youth taking care of an elderly mother is "for real." She's a church volunteer who, it is said, maintains her simple, uncomplicated first-impression and sings Karaoke regularly at her village pub. Sounds good!

Palin has never been a "for real" talent. as a public servant. She's hidden selfishness, has not sacrificed and does not maintain the uncomplicated, dedicated mother picture she first presented. We have seen pictures of how she used her courage shooting fleeing wild moose from a low flying helicopter ,schepps her "special needs" baby from office to find-raisers and preaches her religious zeal with Palin-Poop." Not too good!

What lies ahead? Both women were represented to the public by very sophisticated honchos, with their own agendas, who know that these women exemplify the old adage, You can't judge a book by it''s cover" and will use Susan Boyle's musical talent and frumpy facade and Sarah Palin's looks and "gift of gab" to their own advantage.

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