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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting to Know Geithner

Watching Meet the Press, I felt I should say, "So nice to finally meet you, Mr.Geithner. I've heard so much about you." I heard that Timothy Geithner may be sitting next to me, flying coach. That's appropriate for Secretary of the Treasury: A budget conscious public servant.. Then I'd get my live-and-in-reality opportunity to say, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Geithner."

"He can take a punch." is a quote from Henry Paulson. After the political and media pot-shots he's been taking, he's still standing-up. Even I knew that Geithner could stand the gaff. I think he really did know what he was getting into when he accepted the job. In my #6 "focus on domesticity and relationships" Personal Day, I'm gonna' do laundry, cook and freeze next week dinners and form relationships with people I know I should know better.

So, Geithner's face and lack of pretense and lean-into-the-camera-style are firmly implanted in my memory. One discomfort with him on TV was I didn't understand every word he said due to his swallowing words and talking too fast. He could take a leaf from Obama's speech habits and slow down and enunciate more carefully.

This detail conscious #2 Universal Year inclines me to be conscious of petty details and I do get a little picky. However, I caught enough Geithner to come away respecting his comprehension of his job and liking the guy''cause he seems to be telling his truth. Today I needed to form a relationship with a man that has my financial sanity and my children's and grand children's economic future in his hands. I'm looking forward to his next appearance on Meet the Press.

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