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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Brangelina, The Octo-Mom and Childcare

After hours of writing today's blog...the server wiped it away - all that was left was the title. So, this is gonna' be a quick opinion and comparison on Brangelina and Octo-Mom.

With seven kids, glitzy movie-making and mega-bucks and all the help cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing possible, Brangelina go out in public looking like "there's no time for me." Previously dapper fashionisto, Brad Pitt, looks like a six-packer , overly-committed, truck driver that's been on the road without a mirror for days while holding one kid and hand-holding another. Angie, is always covered in a tot holding something. But, messy, individually changed by their child-filled lifestyle, their children have a presence in their lives. Octo-Mom is on TV - coiffed, neat as a pin and sans children, talking about what she wanted before they arrived and what she will do in the future. There's something wrong with this picture.

If Nadya Suleman was taking care of her brood of six before the litter of eight arrive, isn't there something she needs to do to prepare? She' going to school - getting her Masters, working a job and taking care of Nadya.

Besides the outrageous costs of prenatal, natal, hospital stay and life after Nadya takes over, is there a money tree connected to Nadya that will provide culture and education and is there a real Mother who forgets herself - her clothes, her hair, her personal options - in her connection to her children?

Well, I enjoyed looking at Brad the Dandy and I like to see Angelina's face without a Banky surrounding, however they choose to raise a brood and have altered their over-privileged lifestyle to a hurried , throw on a tee, pull up the dungarees and "let's get the kids dressed and out before it rains" pace.

I do not enjoy seeing Octo-Mom on Dr. Phil explaining her needs in prime time or seeing her begging for donations web site or like the thought that some idiot offered her a TV talk show. There's a difference in the way a desire to have many children can be handled.

For the Brangelina Clan, it seems that holding a child's hand is more important than self-care. For Nadya, Octo-Mom, dressing for public appearances, getting her Masters, collecting food stamps and public health assistance...does she have time for story-telling or hand-holding? Always alone or occasionally with her over-worked, stressed, Mother, singularly purposeful; there will be eight more to hand-hold,,, when does she have time for the six tots in her care presently?

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