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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Our Michelle is off to visit the Queen. In her numerology wisdom #2 "ya' gotta' adapt to the details and form alliances" Personal Year and her #2 "learn how-to-be a supportive partner and a power-behind-the-throne" Destiny Year...she's "on a roll."
Ya' don't have to be a psychic forecaster to know that she's more popular in the polls than Barack and handling the dice like an expert Michelle's watched but not expected to save the world as she travels abroad. Every step out of the White House is an opportunity for cultural expansion and showing she's got her husband's back. As Michelle moves into her # 6 "handle more responsibility and maintain balance in relationships" #6 Personal Month of April, she's subtle in her supportive roll. She's doing well as her #2 Destiny "as power behind the throne\/" unfolds and stifles her individuality.

Shall we dish? Did you see her "Jackie-O" style travel costume? So Chanel! It could have used a pill box - however, no hat - but it "worked" without one. Smashing white and black trimmed coat and probably sleeveless dress. Betcha' there's a sleeveless under the coat!

I won't have to wonder...By nightfall I'll know if the dress under the coat was sleeveless and how Michelle's body language met the Queen. Our Michelle has been putting her "meet-ya'-face-to-face and shake your hand" First Lady personal focus on DC homeless shelters, schools in underprivileged areas and awakening the public to the plight of family's of service-persons - and , by now, even England's Queen probably thinks maintaining traditions is passe, things have changed and, formal occasions do not require covered arms.

Our Michelle's taking a back seat, not getting creative or changing conventional procedures and she seems to remembering that she's "the new kid on the block" and is doing what the #2 Personal Year requires of her - simply cooperating, being a supportive partner and not trying to change the world. Our Michelle's doing well.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Getting to Know Geithner

Watching Meet the Press, I felt I should say, "So nice to finally meet you, Mr.Geithner. I've heard so much about you." I heard that Timothy Geithner may be sitting next to me, flying coach. That's appropriate for Secretary of the Treasury: A budget conscious public servant.. Then I'd get my live-and-in-reality opportunity to say, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Geithner."

"He can take a punch." is a quote from Henry Paulson. After the political and media pot-shots he's been taking, he's still standing-up. Even I knew that Geithner could stand the gaff. I think he really did know what he was getting into when he accepted the job. In my #6 "focus on domesticity and relationships" Personal Day, I'm gonna' do laundry, cook and freeze next week dinners and form relationships with people I know I should know better.

So, Geithner's face and lack of pretense and lean-into-the-camera-style are firmly implanted in my memory. One discomfort with him on TV was I didn't understand every word he said due to his swallowing words and talking too fast. He could take a leaf from Obama's speech habits and slow down and enunciate more carefully.

This detail conscious #2 Universal Year inclines me to be conscious of petty details and I do get a little picky. However, I caught enough Geithner to come away respecting his comprehension of his job and liking the guy''cause he seems to be telling his truth. Today I needed to form a relationship with a man that has my financial sanity and my children's and grand children's economic future in his hands. I'm looking forward to his next appearance on Meet the Press.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


The telephone rings at 9 PM on a Saturday night and it's a tele-schemer who calls me "Ellin." and doesn't pause to take a breath. My cell phone receives text messages from telemarketers and since I do not text, I do not know how to retrieve them, do not look at them and I get charged, by my cell phone carrier, for the unsolicited text. I don't get it. I'm on the 800 number list that stops unwanted solicitations from coming into my home and cell phones. Is it that one scam is connected to another scam? In this frustrating numerology #2 Universal Year of "problems with details and delays", it seems that frauds abound. Or is it that details are ignored, handled carelessly and cause delays and nothing works the way it's supposed to?

Calls come from carpet cleaning and air conditioner service companies and banks. Service companies just keep talking when I say, "no thanks." However, telemarketers recorded messages catch me by surprise and I'm too slow - they slide in before I can drop the receiver. "Last chance to reduce your credit card interest rates. This is your third warning. This is your final notice. Call immediately" is recorded on my answering machine. There's urgency in the phone voice. Listening to the message, I have no idea which credit card, which bank and who is calling - and, decide it's another scam. I'll do nothing and wait for details to come in.

There are bank letters promising short term 0% or a year at 4.99% on credit card balances - if you transfer from another bank. The transfer fee is 3%. That about covers the savings on the 0 or 4.99% for the time frame the bargain is offered. A scam...from my bank?

Real Estate money handlers are desperate or very wily. The new twist from mortgage service companies promises that when you stop paying your mortgage, await foreclosure on your house, that's the time that you can cut your mortgage balance and/or your mortgage interest rate. With Obama's Stimulus seeping into banks and home sales dim, foreclosures are not supposed to be in the best interest of mortgage holding banks and they are reported to be eager to make adjustments. If that's true, why can't I get a live person when I phone or a live person to phone me when I leave a message?

And, walking away from a loan and filing for bankruptcy has reduced "bad-credit-no-credit" repercussions? Filing for bankruptcy meant bad credit for 7's either 5 or 2 now depending upon who gives the information. You can cut your mortgage balance or interest rate by dealing with a mortgage broker - not the bank.? Most mortgage brokers are were wealthy real estate agents yesterday and are broke mortgage hucksters today. Of their necessity, they've switched the details of their business.

Details are not consistent. Although,according to advertised "foreclosure specialists", the rules change quickly and there is no longer a negative onus to walking away from debt . Numerologist cynic or psychic, I know bad credit ratings follow. Although, nothing moves quickly in 2009, numerology's #2 Universal Year, a bad credit rating goes on speed-dial.

Walking away from debt, changes your life for 7,5 or maybe 2 years: Think through the details of handling your money or lack of it. Details are the key to making plans gel. Don't get hustled to speed-read and move quickly or you may miss the fine print, handle details carelessly, cause delays and plans will not work out the way you want them to. The turtle beat the hare: Slow and steady may win your case!

Friday, March 27, 2009

"Leader of the Free World" Weeds White House Garden

Michelle said, Barach will do his share of weeding...being "Leader of the Free World" will not excuse him. Well, that thought makes me wonder what international or economic garden he won't have time to weed. It's refreshing to have Michelle's down-home- kitchen-table-family-style ideas and attitudes. However, her husband is "The Leader of the Free World"and knowing that he was cleaning out industry's goniffs would make me feel better quickly. Love ya', Michelle, but this is not one of your better ideas.

The White House vegetable garden got off to a slow start. Reported as Michelle's idea the "eat healthy food, curb obesity and diseases due to poor diet"1,100 square foot vegetable garden is attributed to her CA chef. Does it matter whose idea it is if it sets a good example that catches on with the public?

What's gonna' grow? Whose gonna' take care of it? How many people will it feed? How much will it cost to begin, maintain and grass-cover it in winter? We'll find out - slowly.

One source reports basil, hot peppers, collard greens, spinach and berries. Another claims we're gonna' see mint, corn, squash and beans. And both sources report, there will be two bee hives for the harvesting of honey.

OK! How much of how many things can bee grown in 1,100 square feet of garden? Can this garden accommodate the banquet dining demands and State Dinner eating habits of a formal White House? However, I'm getting used to the idea - slowly.

Till the idea sinks in, I wonder...How many bee keepers does it take to keep bees? Whose gonna' weed the weeds? Maybe this small plot of land is intended to feed only the first family and will not require hiring additional "farmers" and bee keepers...

...and, maybe I'll get used to it slowly. Stocks fell yesterday, but they're up for the week. Investors must be slowly weeding through the dividend-paying stocks and buying.

If we walk up the mountain three steps and only fall back two: One step forward is a very needed stock market gain. Slowly...we'll see other dividends. The multi-tasking President will pull out the weeds in the Stimulus Plan, AIG/Fannie/Freddie bailouts and probably, be a good hubby, pull the weeds in Michelle's White House garden. Good marriages grow slowly. Improvements begin slowly. Getting used to being "Leader of the Free World" sinks in slowly. Everything is "slowly" this year.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


There's too much going on to focus on one issue on my numerology adviser's #3 "talk up a variety of interest' Personal Day. Investments are all around us - with our investment of faith in President Obama our greatest hope for receiving dividends.

There are good domestic stock buys and worldwide mutual funds paying 3% for long term investment . Octo-Mom's investing in a giant bedroom jacuzzi instead of investing time with her kids and a Chinese researcher invested a long time with the aged and very fat, last Eunuch in an emperor's court, and has a sexy-secrets book in the works that will keep him in kimonos in the long term.

Investigators find that although some .AIG bonus takers have returned their "ill gotten gains", those executives living abroad - outside of the US - refuse paybacks 'cause their money is untouchable; invested in their country of residence. Do I want the return to the days of Bush-Cheney who made no comment on anything except one major topic - terrorism.

Bush couldn't chew gum and walk so, nothing complicated, one-issue news stories that gave the American investor nothing for their long term interest prevailed. Let's hear no more criticisms about Obama's high activity...his diversification of stimulus money for improvements and growth.

This #5 "juggling ten balls in the air everyday" numerology consultant cannot criticize multi-tasking. What's wrong with trying to do it all at once? After the single-issue focus of the Bush-Cheney investment in "terror" that ignored an economy gone wild and put the world in jeopardy for a long term, give Obama a fair short term of using multi-focus while getting his feet wet . Give changing numerology cycles and the new Pres at least his promised 100 days before buying short on faith and selling-out on your long term investment.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


President Obama's show of impatience during a press conference and his recent thirst for publicity isn't surprising to this numerologist. We elected a guy that's gotta' be prepared and we should be prepared to back him.

Elected in 2008, his #4 "compulsive, laborious work , obsessive systematic detail planning and maintain...don't change direction" Personal Year, he's now in a #5"risk-taking, you can't plan anything, plans made in 2008 change, learn by trial and error, publicity conscious, focus alters day-by-day" Personal Year. Big differences in the 4 and 5 Personal Year number meanings...and, the reasons why he assesses his options and deals with 2009 unconventional challenges differently than he did in 2008.

The president relies on practical planning and detailed data to feel secure in his choices and decisions. He's in emotional control when prepared. In this surprising economy, fast-paced environment and with unprecedented challenges, he gets edgy.

Although last night's press conference was orchestrated more than previous media confrontations and he pretty much knew what would be asked, he wasn't the relaxed Pres we've come to know on talk shows and spontaneous Town Hall meetings. His off-the-cuff- remarks have been heavily criticized. He bottles-up anger, controls his appearance and appearances and always wants to do the "correct" thing. His means of self-control is ingrained from childhood programming.

So, he tightened and structured his first major press conference. I think he'll cut down his publicity momentum due to the spontaneity and possibilities of accidental happenings. The Pres is probably more agitated by his irritated reaction at the Press Conference than any of his advisers. He'll draw on past successful planning. He can't control the unconventional and surprising events of his #5 Personal Year. But, he's gonna' try.

Numerology's #5 Personal Year vibes really begin in May. Obama's still dealing with the compulsive urge to maintain his #4 Personal Year position when he was in control with organized, managed practical planning. The Universe is in a #2 "delays due to the revealing of details, discovering who your friends really are and trouble with petty issues and women" Year: No help for Obama from the universe!

So, do we or don't we "have the back" of the guy we elected? His 2008 campaign promises were made under controlled circumstances. His 2009 promises, based in today's detailed data that changes tomorrow - cannot be written in cement. The American people need to back their bet. It's 65 days into his multi-tasking presidency and he's talking to us. That's an administration change he promised, that he's keeping. We need to give ourselves and the guy we elected the back-up he needs.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Numerologist cynic or psychic, # 1 Personal Day thoughts, produce new ideas for stock purchases. Because...Change is scary. Challenges create anxiety. Anxiety needs solace. There's boredom and depression to living without some kind of "rush." So, It's no wonder more people are heading for booze, drugs and rehab than ever before.

And, some people just don't know when they're well off.. David Letterman got married after twenty-three years of happy unwed coupling, Octo-Mom fired the Angels that were training her nannies to care for the octuplets and keep her home safe for soundly raising fourteen kids and Sarah Palin, thankfully out of sight and out of mind for a while, is publicly preening and primping with the hierarchy of Scientology. Are these challenging changes a ticket to serenity or a road to an escapist booze or drug induced high?

If the Wall Street greedy, adrenalin junkies had played it cool and earned their stock sale lavish commissions without bundling bogus bonds worldwide, they wouldn't be sitting next to nosey FBI agents pretending to be brokers, just there to catch them cheating again. So brokers can't take risks. They're into unfamiliar feelings. Where to go? Bar-hopping or guzzling on the sly at home? Drugging for solace? There's anxiety, fear, the unknown and unawareness. Ya gotta' know how to substitute when you can't adjust to change...let things be or you end up in rehab.

With the increase in anxiety fostered by the new millennium upheavals, it's easy to rationalize any escapist device. Retirees worry, young parents worry and teens worry. No-body's safe from looking for a temporary high. The problem is the cost of escape.

Legal escape leads to obsessive drinking. Doctors prescriptions lead to abusing drugs. Expensive - $25,000. to $60,000. a month rehab centers are filling up. So, why not get a "rush" from the risk of buying booze, drug and rehab center stocks?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Oct0-Mom's Secret? What Were Those Doctors Thinking?

What were those Hippocratic-Oath-taking doctors thinking? Call me cynical or call me psychic...this old numerologist cannot believe that Octo-Mom can keep a secret. On - Nadya Suleman, the Octo-Mom, used her exclusive home videos outlet to promote her situation and expectations again. After the second two octuplets were brought to her new home, without the media circus of the arrival of the first two - Octo-Mom ANNOUNCED that she'll never reveal the name of their father. That got attention.

So, Octo-Mom made a promise to the father and therefore will not tell the secret? She will not "out" him. And I've got a toll bridge I can sell you... you'd buy my toll bridge before Octo-Mom refuses to accept cash to reveal the father's name. I hope this poor slob she says is living in California has a passport. According to "Octo" she promised he'd be invisible and safe from notoriety. I have a problem with Octo's promises.

The Angelina-wanna-be did not choose a Brad Pitt look-alike for the sperm donations. The father is revealed to be "not American" and on-camera, she points to one octuplet and says he looks like the father. At this point the tiny Octuplets all look-alike...much like newborns, they look a lot like any body's hairless, toothless grandfather. However, one octuplets face may reveal the secret.

So, Nadya, the Needy, alias, Octo-Mom, is giving clues to the father's type of look and cultural background. He lives in CA. That's a big state but she couldn't travel too far while plotting in vitros and carrying out her diabolic plan. Some good investigative reporter will chase Papa down. A few more clues and enough money offered and we'll all know whom the father is...and she'll get more attention...and, the fourteen babes will be cared for by multiples of angelic strangers while Octo-Mom gets her hair-done, travels to get manicures and pedicures to look good on-camera...

...Cynic or Psychic instincts tell me that the doctors involved will never be punished...the children will never know the security and pleasure of bonding with the mother. They are not intended to know their father. They probably will go through life with feelings of abandonment while crowded two to a crib in infancy, forever eating buffet-style, never sitting down to a family dinner table, dependent on the goodness of strangers while cloistered in a media frenzy...What were those doctors thinking?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Numerology's Daily Changes Improve Outlook

When you follow numerology you know that moods and expectations change daily. The #7 to #8 Personal Day change can be exhilarating. Yesterday, everything seemed insoluble because news reports analysis brought about thoughts of down and dirty politicians and CEO's - more slimy unknowns, political deceptions, money mishandling and, unending questions. Today, when putting news reports together, there's additional input based in common sense reasoning's.

The possibilities of finding solutions lies in noting what is being accomplished with the Stimulus Package - not the done-deals that we cannot change. AIG be dammed! However, wasting valuable time on blame isn't getting us anywhere. Our worldwide reputation is not getting stronger with politicians infighting and not supporting Obama's leadership. Who will buy our US bonds or products if we look like we're failing to join together. We lose world leadership and customers to buy our wares - when we are not unified.

It's a first for me: He's a Republican. I support CA Governor Schwarzenegger's positive spin on TVs Sunday morning, Meet the Press. He focused on the incoming infra-structure funds as positive and hailed details that create positive job growth. He speaks with high expectation of the help his state will get. He isn't focusing on what he had or what he didn't get. The Guv's got positive energy that needs to be shared.

I got a boost from watching Meet the Press, however, I don't expect a quick 2009, #2 Universal Year recovery. Delays due to impossible schemes and devious - sneaky - detailed dreams are revealed intentionally in a #2 vibration. The revelations indicate where changes need to be made and remind us that details must not be overlooked.

My objective is to remain afloat, knowing that this is a time to scale down, forget freedom-from-worry-in-retirement expectations and begin again. That's the difficult thing to digest. Knowing that I cannot try to maintain my past lifestyle if I want to survive and eventually progress, encourages the depth of self-analysis that brings about depressing #7 Personal Days. The trick is to know that tomorrow, the #8 Personal Day, changes perspective!

Although, the world is in a #2 "details revealed that cause delays" Universal Year...(calendar year = 2+0+0+9 = 11, 1 + 1 = #2)...knowing that this year will not allow action quickly makes it easier to face and solve daily survival challenges. Mix in the #5 "expect the unexpected" Universal Month of March and you understand why details that are unexpected have caused delays in Obama's extensive, complex Stimulus plans.

So, sour moods and expectations change to sweeter projections with the month's changing numbers. The good news is...March, the explosive, revealing #5 month, brings about pivotal changes and our mood and expectations switch a more mature, cautious April's #6, improved focus: Assuming responsibility for actions, building family and neighborhood relationships, balancing opposites and making commitments that must be kept.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hitting Bare-Bottom and Becoming A Bottom-Feeder

Today, my #7 "think. analyze and keep your thoughts to yourself " Personal Day...words do not come easy. Every-thing's on the rise including negativity. My belief system is based in "the key to the good life is an optimistic attitude." I wanna' get some of that going. Usually, not a problem. Just think "positive." Get down to bare-bottom and become a bottom-feeder. Easier said than done...

...with Wall Street criminal investigations increased from 36 to 43 in a month. Mortgage fraud claims increased from 1800 to 2000 too. AIG increased their bonuses total. Madoff conspirators and victims are on the rise. Palin's slaughtering more wolves from low flying helicopters. Our Pres, looking for a bigger audience, on a late night TV talk show. The stock market DOW is pushing down to under 7000 and people are holding on to cash so retail and manufacturing suffers. So, Michelle's planting a veggie garden in lush East Coast, White House soil. I'd spend more money watering a garden in the desert that I'd save from not buying veggies. A garden in AZ is easier said then done.

I've discontinued newspaper delivery, magazines, buying books, clothes, my beloved shoes...and night creams that were gonna' save me from wrinkles. News and books are on the net and I always thought and unknowingly predicted - I had enough clothes and shoes to last a life time....I'm proving it now. The wrinkles came

...gotta' change...perhaps a solution is to buy more things in quantity, store in portions, freeze and have less variety. I can do that! Cut out the hair dresser and go gray? That's a scary thpought...Here comes the negativity...Cut the garden guy down to once a month and worry that his family will go hungry? Cut out the house cleaning ladies for a while and lose these wonderful, hard-working mothers? Forget pest control once a month and wait until I see a bug. That's easier said than done.

This must be the "bare-bottom" I've often thought I was down to. Thinking that sometime in the future I'd make a list of things I could trade for services I have become accustomed to having is over. Making a list of things I would ordinarily buy and need to trade this coming week is a 'now" chore. So, what are the possibilities and who will be willing to trade? The dog's caring vet and the groomer that makes miracles painlessly taking out knots? Maybe they'll want a numerology reading...

...I'll make a bare-bottom list and become a bottom-feeder. That's easier said than done too.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Michelle, Doctors and the Brits Are Rewinding to Go Forward

Michelle's gonna' have a White House vegetable garden a la Eleanor Roosevelt's World War II Victory Garden. Michelle got the green going with the St. Paddy's Day White House green water fountain and her new idea is a flashback to my past. Is the help we need to be found in a rewind in order to go forward?

World news is crammed with flashbacks. Doctors are testing using maggots to clean out leg ulcers...that's going back a really long time...shall I start saving leeches? Cleansing with natures remedies was big-time in the past. Way back when, the Springtime ritual was a liver cleansing: Best with acupuncture to keep your liver in harmony with nature. In fact, in China, when someone seems out of harmony with everybody - angry - the greeting is, "How's your liver?" Oh, those Chinese are not backward...they trace back to treasures and go forward owning our treasury.

Since Treasury honchos okay ed AIG bonuses and the backlash is the bonuses are coming back one way or another, whose gonna' be the backbone of these companies if execs are given money and then have to give it back? Then, the overtly-lying-politician-cartoon stars an oldie who used to be a good-ie, Chris Dodd from Connecticut...can you believe he looked the camera in the lens and did a Bush-Cheney oldie - he blandly lied? Wonder if he'll be elected again. Well, why not, when we have a track record of repeating mistakes. We re-elected Bush and he's keeping his money. Solutions based on the past are worldwide...

...a back slide in Great Britain's auto industry brings back a plan to pay for scrap...just like the during 1940's war effort. Announcing that March 23 is the best day to buy a bargain car because car dealers must meet monthly sales targets, cars are selling at substantial savings to twelve month ago and UK supply will come into line with demand by end of year. Brits are paying cash-for-scrap. Cash toward new cars for older models. It's a...

...back-tracking and rehashing the old into new. As I contemplate world news, it seems that we are going to rewind before we can go forward.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


When I wrote about the White House green water fountains yesterday, I had no idea that it was Michelle's idea to bring a bit of her Chicago home to the nation's capitol. In Chicago they color the river green for St. Patrick's Day. So, in her St. Paddy's green, winter fur-lined boots, Michelle put a Mom's focus on the current holiday and the White House, for the first time, watched the dancing green waters rise and sink and made DC a little more like her Chicago home.

In this terrible time of our children seeing the expectation of ethics, morals and standards from respected business leaders and politicians being disregarded, it's refreshing and a bit of an escape from personal depression to see Michelle's Mom-enthusiasm for getting-into holiday spirit and bringing St. Patrick Day green to the White House. Her children awoke to see that the White House lawn fountain went green-for-day...

...'cause being a Mother gets you into all holiday spirits. Moms get into Christmas Tree decorating, Easter egg hunts and Thanksgiving dinner table autumn centerpieces big time. Michelle exemplifies Moms. I wonder if she instructed the White House chef to make green mashed potatoes for her kids while AIG's CEO Liddy was in the Senate hot seat, Senator Chris Dodd's nose was growing like Pinocchio's and nobody in the world was green with envy to be President of these United States?

I like Michelle's plan for her kid's living naturally and it's natural for Mom's to make a big deal about holidays. Once I was a "Mom" fixed on making life the best and most fun it could be for my kids. It's with mixed emotions as a Granny now, as I watch green gook come to surface in my outdoor spa cause I can't afford professional pool-cleaning service anymore, to know that Senators lie just like Madoff schemers, my taxes are going to unwarranted AIG, Fannie and Freddie executive bonuses and coloring the White House fountain water green for a day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's My Job: Predicitng the Octuplet's Destiny

Been tempted and backed off...finally, my #5 "impulses fly" Personal day, I succumb to working my numerologist craft on the abbreviated version of the Octuplet's birth date...their destiny prediction.

All eight, born on January 26, 2009 have the spiritually special #11/2 Destiny. That's not too surprising: The #11 spiritual aspect of the destiny number foretells the influence of a delicate, high-strung, nervous female energy in the womb that instills the feeling of living "above the crowd" and opens a door to leaving a lasting image on humanity. The mundane #2 aspect, forecasts a life of supportiveness, cooperation and shyness finally, becoming "the power behind the throne" - never the crown-wearer.

My numerology forte is understanding the Challenges to Destiny's opportunities. Challenges are the reasons why we make choices through emotional perceptions - not facts - decisions made through childhood's emotional perceptions that usually turn out wrong. The Octuplet's personality Challenges are #7, #6 and #1.

#7 = self-doubt, hidden, difficult to diagnose physical and emotional problems and disappointment in the human animal's lack of perfection...always expecting perfection from themselves...

...and, Challenge # 6 = having to balance relationships, responsibilities and obligations. The #6 Challenge touches family, neighborhood and dramatic emotional reactions. A health caution, #6 Challenge indicates a tendency to diabetes...sugar is their enemy.

Finally, a Challenge to the #1 that relates to early childhood's experiences with the authority figure = usually the male parent...too much attention or not enough attention from the father. The Octuplets will be challenged by the personality extremes of doubt of taking independent actions for progress or independent arrogance and many forceful innapropriate changes. They will have problems with independence, creativity and feelings of never being in control of their own lives. This Challenge is acted-out with unexplainable submissiveness or - in the other extreme the way a pendulum swings -demanding independence without reason or the resources to maintain it. So they'll be submissive to gain love and once having it, take control in order not to be controlled by others.

The good stuff comes from the Octuplet's #26 birthday. They'll mature at 34 and between 34 and 60, they'll be surrounded by money and power and gain stamina mentally and physically. Depending upon their name talents, first impression and comfort-zones...the inner personality that walks Destiny's path, they'll have varying degrees of success making themselves invaluable to life's movers and shakers - the money and power crowd.

This forecast is the tip of the iceberg...there are finite details and depth to a full natal numerology charting...However, I hadda' do it on my #5 "impulsive actions and unconventional happenings rule" Personal Day.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Green White House Fountains

It's a puzzlement and not #4 Universal Day "reality check, be practical" St Patrick's Day. Green White House water fountains remind me of the the green mashed potatoes I made for my kid's dinner many March 17's ago.

Unrealistic green mashed potatoes sent my children to a very real bathroom after they left the table to barf. Well, green water fountains spewing on the White House frontage...ti's barf-able to me. Tell me the Obama's are serving real corned beef and cabbage with potatoes boiled in the cabbage water. Tell me they're foregoing wine goblets for a real "pint." Don't tell me there's nothing that can be done about the AIG execs bonus laden contracts. Contracts are made by lawyers and they are made to be lawyers. Don't expect me to think it cost nothing to change the White House fountain's water color for one day! Everything costs. Don't tell me to accept that White House fountain water is green...I had enough non-reality last March 17.

Sure, we've got a real family dining White House style tonight...I don't think that corn beef and cabbage St. Paddy's realism will see Michelle's health-conscious, fresh veggies kitchen. Maybe...unlikely - however, there is fat-free corned beef...that's a non-Irish Irish reality... Irish pub complete with sad guitarist, singing sad songs - back to back at the bar with sad eyed, joking folks guzzling true Irish, Black and Tans. Green Beer is for the great unwashed that play at "Irish" - have never been to an Irish pub - cannot sing sad songs - navigate through sorrow twinkle-eyed and joke endlessly - even only for a day.

Reality on the #4 Universal Day makes it impossible to ignore the Washington DC rising numbers of AIDS, sexual and drug related problems. Reality brings me to dislike the non-reality of green fountain waters dancing aimlessly - pretending to be Irish - in DC. My heart goes out to the Irish-Catholic majority on this celebratory holiday when the unrealistic Pope speaks out causing ambivalence...rejecting condom use - declaring Catholicism is based in the impossibility of Sarah-Palin-pregnant-teenage-abstinence. The Pope is speaking in over-populated, poorly educated, economically impoverished Africa. It's unrealistic-enough here in the USA...Give me a break!

In reality, I respect that the Pope is upholding his beliefs - love the Irish...married one once...will find a dark, music filled, low-noise-level-Irish Pub with a bartender that makes good Black and Tans. I'll joke about green White House fountains and look sad, thinking there needs to be more realism in DC this St. Patrick's Day.

Monday, March 16, 2009


It's an "optimistic" #3 Universal Day and although the Market's up, Sarah Palin was forced to appoint a pro-choice judge to the Alaska Supreme Court, Madoff's wife, brother and kids are under deep investigation and that's good. In my world, things are bad, I'm deeply saddened. We lost 62 year old, intense, cultured, talented, Ron Silver to cancer. Why do the phony, mean-spirited, dishonest Madoff's live long and we lose the in-your-face-honest, socially caring, gentle-giants who fight hard for their beliefs too soon?

Although I didn't agree with Ron Silver's political choices after 9/11, they were his stands and fights for Republican-Bush beliefs to his end. It's bad that we lost a man who said what he meant and meant what he said no matter the cost. That he worked repeatedly with college professor, dialogue-master, Pulitzer Prize winning, playwright, David Mamet is no mystery. I do know Mamet...conversationally, in intensity, depth, strong opinions and brilliance - they are very much alike.

I met Ron Silver a few times .. one at the low key, small Park Avenue apartment wedding of a long-time friend of ours. In an arm chair, before a conventional fire place hearth, he quietly held court. People passed and chatted and his eyes probed - remained intense - piercing through the cocktail party veil even when making small talk . We were introduced again - I'd met him before - a glimmer of recognition passed between us - but, no - he didn't remember where or how he know me - so, we made miniature talk. What we said - a bit about the bride's choice of flowers - how very tall the groom.was - the staircase made a great entrance - I don't remember him being too good at that. However, neither was I. Now, he is remembered by me for his professorial delivery of chit-chat and those amazing eyes.

I'm optimistic that the Market's up however, today I feel so "down." No petty chatter now...I'd say to him... Ron Silver - it's good to learn that you went peacefully, with your family near. For me, it's so good that your performances live on film. You are a fine actor. Close associates say your are a fine friend. Although I spoke with you briefly and admired your work from afar, I mourn your passing...the void in your family, your craft, your art, your voice that fought to be heard - and I mourn a man of culture and integrity...a great loss to my world.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Such Chutzpah! How Can I Go Zen: Smile and Surrender?

The coffee is cold, I'm hot under the collar, so much agitation...such nerve!

After, a hard nights work playing Rummy Que and since I've given up the casinos for food on the table, it's my "I surrender, dear" - "ya' can't lose too much money at Rummy Que, all you lose is sleep" escape from reality. Ya' gotta' have a mental-somewhere to hide in this chutzpah-driven world. After years of my psychic-whoopee associates declaring that "surrender" is the way to go, hearing that a Zen smile and "surrender" are the answer to a happy life, today, sleepless in Arizona...a "friend" phoned at 6:30 AM - I fell asleep at 3...I'm the walking unconscious - I'll try anything and I'm on it.

I thought I'd seen and heard it all when elderly John McCain set Sarah Palin up to run for VP - in the event of his passing in the Oval office - she would be president...that's not an "oy vey" - that's chutzpah or stupidity? However, Bush pushing for donations for his legacy library, Cheney complaining that his pal Liddy didn't get pardoned while shrugging off his legacy of war, impoverishment an USA disgrace that he left raises the chutzpah bar. And, in the news, learning that monkeys teach their young to floss. I couldn't teach my grandson to brush his teeth regularly, let alone "floss" with a human hair daily.

This is truth? Madoff's wife of fifty years and over-forty sons - not naive or just out of college - went to the same office building every day for over twenty years and knew nothing about his computers not making trades??? Bernie wants Ruth Madoff. his wife, to keep the 7 million apartment and the 6 hundred something millions in property, cash and a boat??? He wants out of the jail cell until he's sentenced for admitting to high crimes. Where does he get the the gall - the chutzpah?

With overt lies regularly in the news, to make it through the day, maybe ya' gotta "smile and surrender." It's no wonder people in Hong Kong and India are buying bullet proof suits and cars! With naive young ladies abounding, innocents who do not realize that to wear extreme high fashion couture clothes and be photographed in 'em, ya' gotta' be real tall. Where does Tyra banks get the chutzpah to call an audition for "high fashion models under 5'7?" Cheney may need ta bullet proof suit from Hong Kong. Tyra Banks will need a bullet proof limo to get away from the riots causes when "5' 7" high fashion model" winners that have nowhere to go and end up as a short, skinny receptionists - not even zoftig Playboy centerfolds.

Gonna' reheat the coffee...Yeah,I'm smiling - I "surrender." Can't you tell?

Saturday, March 14, 2009


The secret: Exclusivity: Madoff sold it. However, NYC's successful celebrity hangout, 21 Club did it first. If you were allowed "in" - allowed to give Madoff your money, you didn't have to be Jewish and still believed that you were one of a few of "the chosen few." Gentile or Jewish, if you were acceptable through the peephole and got into the original, Jack and Charlie's Speakeasy in the 1920's - then after prohibition, got a lunch reservation at their legal venture, 21 Club, you were "in" - one of "the chosen few." The key to success: Make it exclusive, they won't ask questions and, they will buy.

Exclusive and expensive: The 21 Club restaurant could be empty...nobody who was a nobody got in and even if you were a "somebody", you called again - waited humbly if you were refused a reservation. When told that there they were booked to capacity, you salivated to be part of the those allowed "in." Nobody cared what a 21 Club lunch burger cost even before business expense accounts covered the bill. Nobody checked into how Madoff was making "somebody's" at least 9 to 10 % in up and down stock markets. It seems that to be a "somebody", nobody investigates when trying to get "in."

In this failing economy when even French sex toys aren't selling and 46 states are desperately selling confiscated jewelry and slot machines on , the new breed of hungry to be "in" the black, "can't find a job so, I'll start my own business" entrepreneurs could take a look at these successful status-aware snobs who attracted successful greedy snobs: Make it exclusive, they won't ask questions and they will buy.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday 13...Not A Pleasure Trip

Another Friday the 13 and it's a see-saw - what has been up for three days is up then down - for the stock market it's reconstruction. Banks are going up, they say, and are declining government funds and in numbers, it's an up and down Dow day. A NY funeral director wants to trade a patio remodel for a down-under funeral - he'll trade up and promises a fair-trade on the down. On this #9 "draw conclusions after you get the big picture" Universal Day, there's up and down thinking - I'm remembering that the 13 is a number of "shallow foundations breakdown and grow into solid reconstruction."

This Numerologist sees the number 13 not as the superstitious fear, a "death number." #13 when reduced to a single number (1 + 3 = 4) is a "practical, work to correct mistakes, maintain and build a solid foundation for the future" #4. The #1 in 13, is individualism and creativity. The #3 in 13 is "naive, often childish scattering, imagination and optimism." The two numbers do not support doing the detail work necessary for a sound foundation. They cannot root and cannot grow depending upon each other, in a practical structure.

So, when they combine into the number 13, they fall apart. After failure, the #4 resulting number is the "reality check." #4 puts detailed, practical planning to the independent, creative #1 and the too imaginative, flighty #3. We understand the that the underlying #4 puts a foundation for future long term material growth in motion after what appears to be destruction.

The #13 has a foundation that may be explained by the following - Although I'm not the best student of the bible and you may think this an overly simplistic concept - behind the biblical superstition related to the thirteen seated at Jesus table. True unforgiving Judas hate brought destruction - he brought Jesus to his death. However, from Jesus death a far greater universal message, based in love and forgiveness was constructed. So, short term hate reconstructed to long-lasting love.

I'm not selling the #13 as a pleasure trip. However, the number 13 should be understood and not be feared. Unsound, complex, #13 plush life plans create "upheaval" and when we get down to #4 "foundation-ally sound, basics and simplify", with hard work and love we reconstruct and maintain stability.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Gee, what a surprise! Bristol Palin and her self-described "red neck" in high-school, sweetheart and lover, Levi Johnson broke up. It's been a Governor, wife, mother, grandma, fashionista, snow-bunny, gun-totin', abstinence preaching, no relationship to Mary Poppins - uncouth, Sarah Palin drama from the start for poor Bristol. The end was too predictable.

The face of Levi Johnson sitting on Sarah Palin's electioneering platform. So bewildered. Forced into speech-making to throngs. The Palin plan was to make teenage-out-of-wedlock child bearing acceptable and understandable - and to make him an instant family-member. Like so many of the things that that Sarah finds acceptable - like shooting moose from low-flying planes - and, charging her family travel and clothes to the Republican Campaign Fund - gee, - Sarah Palin's plans didn't work out amicably.

The planned summer wedding is called off. "Bristol is devastated." She's not "devastated' because her sugary-love has soured. She's now decided that Levi's family is "White Trash" and the baby is not allowed in his home.

Her child's father is unacceptable, "White Trash.!" Gee, the first thing I learned when my children's father and I separated was to be sure they knew he was a good guy who loved them. My explanation: We were just too young when we married and changed and grew and would be better parents living apart. I know that my kids were devastated but they weren't made to feel less than "good."

Children apply everything to themselves and I my know my children would have identified with the negativity of a "White Trash" label. Hearing decent things said about their father, my children grew up knowing they came from "good people" and with lotsa' luck, turned into better than good adults.

The Palin Family have very weird values. Bristol Palin's mother was the first to call her future-son-in law "white trash." As Governor and publicity-seeker, she spends her time following personal ambitions, and, has set an example of do-as-I-say-don't-do-as-I-do-mothering. The Palin family has closed ranks - is keeping Levi, the young father, from close contact with his baby. We're gonna' observe another child being raised in the Sarah Palin tradition and for me, It's sad to envision. Sarah's self-absorbed family values breed children who have connection problems. How many blunders will the media record that these children make? What bad judgments will Bristol's siblings make if this continues? The end is too predictable.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Nadya Suleman, "Octo-Mom", "feeling total freedom" now that she has a 4 bedroom, 2 and a half bath house in which she will sleep in the living-room on the couch, and care for her fourteen children. Her recent breakthrough - she's seeing reality now!

There's a an exclusive video of "Octo-Mom" on - looking so Angelina - graciously, showing her house - room-by-room. When asked, on camera, how she will have the money to care for the children she says, she'll be selling resources, using all the money she earns at job and hopes for donations.

When asked about help from her parents...doesn't mention that her father is supposed to have bought her the house and she says parents won't be there. Doesn't mention the volunteer Angels coming to care for her kids. So excited to have a beautiful house of her own. And, she's got everything planned...

...babies coming home two at a time.
...two babies to a crib - sleeping in the den.
...dining room is too small - they'll eat buffet style.
...getting bigger frig.
...removing carpeting....sterilizing house - medical industrial cleaning - by checking duct system, repainting and removing and replacing all carpeting.
...getting large king size bed 'cause bigger kids will probably want to play in the master bedroom.
...inspection showed water damage in bathrooms - so probably going to redo bathrooms.
...redoing garage into playroom/entertainment center for older six children that she says in other interviews, are internalizing anger.
...getting rid of grass in backyard and putting up the new trampoline.

We know you want to do a "reality show caring for the kids." This is reality? What next Nadya? When are you getting a puppy?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


While Vegas cringes, lottery players are buying WIN THE LOTTERY! - reaching out to ,, to make a miracle - perhaps get lucky in this maddening economy. With feelings of control slipping, although money is tight, the message seems to be, if we're gonna' take a risk, we may do better with personal numbers and take a risk on ourselves . If he time is destiny "right"...

...we sense it. However, the numbers that are attracted to players over a lifetime are learned with the numerology system. These are the numbers that crop up your addresses, phone, social security and bank account numbers and when looking at a clock. There's the gambler's number 5 (14,23, 32,41)- there's the money and power number 8 (17,26,35,44): Always good bets. And then there are your personal numbers that 'sense" their way into your reality.

There are 3 name numbers and 2 birth date numbers to find out about and they are combined with the number for the date the lottery is drawn. It takes about five minutes of WIN THE LOTTERY! reading - with 2 + 2 third grade arithmetic, to discover them.

Due to focusing on personal numbers their meanings are reinforced. Good luck may appear in the form of a job that fits the career talent number...or a love that fits the destiny number or a look in the eye of a person that you draw into your life who improves your self image.

After twenty-five years of USA, Brazilian and UK book shelf time, my book WIN THE LOTTERY! is jack-potting - flying out of web site booksellers shopping carts and filling the public interest in picking the right numbers for a lottery win or a destiny winning streak.

Advocating gambling as a means to a miracle is not my intention and spiritually I know, "when the time is right for your destiny , you will win."

As an elderly numerologist with a #5 gambler's destiny, it makes sense to me to stay out of the casinos where hundreds are wagered on computerized machines and surely lost. With everything changing and unpredictable due to the new millennium, folks are making a small investment in something that makes them smile - terrible odds lotteries = miracles.

To numerologists, the day's focus is predictable. To most, everyday is an unknown - a gamble. You can walk out the door an get hit by a flower pot and nothing will matter...however, if you're aiming for a miracle - in a risk-taking mood, about to gamble, discover your own numbers and you may attract problem-solving surprises and win at the lottery of life.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tweeting Away From Twitter As Fast As I can

Tweeting a sane thought at 145 words per shot is taxing...and , where does it get me or anyone? By trying to promote my web site, I joined Twitter, Facebook, MySpace as many blog sites as I could find and...

...It's a #5 "think about the non conventional 'cause something strange is gonna' happen pivotal change " Universal Day - so, I began to wonder why I am being "followed" by at least eight every day on Twitter. In a few weeks, I have accumulated almost fifty unknown followers. My "Tweets" only mention the day's blog title and my web address. Unlike most Tweeters, I only list one time each day.

Most bio as conservative Christians with an axe to grind about the current administration. If they read my blogs they'd know that I disagree with them. Are they gathering a "following" list to use for some conservative, Christian, down with this administrations' policies purpose?

None of the other sites I listed on contact unless they have a real comment and Twitters write ten plus Tweets, one after the other - don't they have to milk the cow or plow the field? It's a puzzlement!These Twitter-Twits follow thousands...I guess they expect me to "follow" them too.

Today, on my "reality check" #4 Personal Day - doing a Universal Day, #5, pivotal change and Tweeting away from Twitter-Twits as fast as I can.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Today's weird stuff...Octo-Mom marketing her birthing pictures - asking seven figures - Hillary talking to frustrated women about instant love for Bill on Turkish TV, falsely endowed, Pam Anderson dropped her exaggerated breasts at Fashion Week, an escaped criminal - obviously a realist - sneaking back into jail - and aside from that - Ya' gotta' laugh...

...I'm in a numerology #3 "from the ridicules to the absurd and gotta' laugh" Personal Day...Aside from the impossible happening - above the fold, news of the deepening, seemingly bottomless recession, there's egocentric, druggie-screamer, Rush Limbaugh - ratings failing - preaching to stay afloat - assuming leadership of the Republicans while waiting to see Obama fail - see the country fail...predicting the imminent death of Ted, Mrs. Lincoln???

...looking for something laughable I was reminded of an oldie...Mrs. Lincoln, aside from that, how did you like the show? and bumped into other golden oldies. The Brits homemade remedies on the BBC.

To ward off wind after dinner...fennel seeds in tea.
...for rain = a storm of diarrhoea...mashed bananas with a dash of lemon juice.
...for cold sores, make it hot...rosemary in half pint of cider at bedtime.
...and if you think you're being stung...bee bites, without the stinger, stop hurting and swelling when covered by a freshly cut onion...

...and, if all this escapist nonsense makes you anxious - for the calm after the storm, drink a sweet milk shake.

Aware that tomorrow is my #4 "reality check - be practical, work and maintain what you have" Personal Day when the Universe is in a #5 "there's lotsa' news, plans change, the world will juggle surprises" Day, I'm gonna' enjoy a few #3 Personal Day laughs while I still makes me smile...Aside from that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the show?

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Humming "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" from the "Wizard of Oz" cheers and releases my negativism. It's a #3 "talk up the optimism" Universal Day - optimism breeds success - and I'm feelin' it.

A look at the stock market or the job loss count could send me spiraling downward. I'm not looking. Preaching again! Ti's better to take a leaf out of N.Y. Times Columnist, Bob Herbert's reality book and recognize the true situation facing our new president. He needs time to discover which of his electioneering promises can be implemented. He needs time to make adjustments. We need to recognize that he is a thoughtful man - not a "thud", he's not ignoring anything and he'd rather make love not war.

In this deadly and fearful economy, to stay healthy, productive and progress, be optimistic. Make adjustments to maintain and dream and imagine..."What man can conceive, he can achieve." France's, Emile Coue said it years ago when the world was in creative turmoil.

Learning the words to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - humming a few bars of "and the dreams that I dare to dream really do come true" - automatically takes away a frown. Don't put a time limit on your dream: It will materialize. Obama is visualizing a saner reality - we will find a stable reality - "Somewhere Over the Rainbow bluebirds fly. If birds fly over the rainbow, why, why oh why, can't I?" If you believe it...if we believe...if we hang together - all we need patience.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Michelle - Making the White House a Home

Entertaining in the White House for Michelle is not a formal state occasion...she's at home; dressing and appearing relaxed and welcoming.

I want to remember this picture: The hand-holding Obamas, hurrying down the red carpet to a White House dinner for two hundred, found Barack adjusting his jacket, Michelle in a cut-for-comfort-black pants suit accessorized with black flats giving an impression of pleasant anticipation.

Michelle made me think of the harried days when my life was kid, husband, job and keeping up a social schedule challenging. I got everything done without prying eyes that might notice my blunders and swift corrections. Michelle's got photographers popping flash at every turn and she's doing much more than I could have accomplished and and turning a previously stuffy formal house into a welcoming home.

In a very short time, The White house has become her backdrop. She's brought the life style of a family-first, socially conscious, professional young woman to the Washington scene, Michelle is getting to know her neighbors. After spending a morning serving food to the homeless a few blocks away, talking to media, pointing up the need for help for military families and an afternoon when Brad Pitt dropped in for a quiet chat with her husband, she obviously needed to dress quickly and for common-sense, comfort.

It's nice to feel that I can identify my family life with the new First Family. I still think a cover-up at formal business meetings is "correct." However, at home, she's the bright, smiling queen in her castle...she decides what's "correct." She's so "real - she's brought kitchen-table comfort to her house and anything that keeps her husband happy and keeps her doing what she's doing in her home is gonna' work for me.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Good Fed Ex - Bad Octo-Mom

On this #1 "new things begin" Universal Day, I found a "first" that I hope begins a trend and a repeat "bad" that I hope begins to stop.

There's good news - a helpful offering - from Fed Ex that brings forth the my hope that their new policy will catch on: Other companies may come up with ideas for sharing too.Jobless needing resume copies may go to any of the 1600 Fed Ex owned Kinko stores and receive 25 resume copies on high quality paper. Sure, some may go from KInko to Kinko and receive 25 copies from each store. That's unlikely with most resumes submitted on the Internet - and Fed Ex isn't concerned. Their offer may be taken by the 900 employees Fed Ex-Kinko recently let-go...times are not good for the company either. However, cheers to Fed Ex for delivering to me the first good news seen in the media in months.

Bad news too - and Octo-Mom is at it again - her motherly manner includes threatening to kill herself in front of children. Police have been to her home to free a child from a locked bedroom and recently she hysterically called 911 because she couldn't find one of her kids. On the phone, in front of another child, she told the 911 operator that she was going to kill herself if the child was lost.

The operator asked her not to say that in front of a child...that didn't stop her hysteria. Octo-Nervous-Wacko- Mom called 911 shortly after to say the child took a walk and returned safely. Apparently, a neighbor complained to police that her kids played in the mud and were not cared for prior to this "lost child" happening. There's "bad" stuff - not secure mothering at Octo's house.

I think Fed Ex-Kinko should be recognized for accepting the bad time we're in and taking a good action. I think the Octo-Mom bad chaos should be stopped before the Octuplets are sent home. Might be nice to stop in a neighborhood Kinko and say thanks...that would be a first for Kinkos. I think Child Services should take the first step to consistent checking-in to be sure parenting is provided by a mentally stable Octo-Mom. What do you think?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gotta' Find Recession-Proof Freebies

After my numerology vibes changed in March from February's #3 "optimism and social contact" Personal Month into the details of my practical realities #4 Personal Month, I tried to escape. The falling stock market, rising food and house maintenance costs and cautions that organic foods are not only too pricey but ,certification does not guarantee that they are less likely to make us sick and aren't necessarily healthier, is to much reality for me. So, I'm chasing non-reality - finding freebies to alleviate my personal financial depression and not-too-patiently waiting for the four years of reality to pass.

Did I need to know that health food certification inspectors are paid by the people they're inspecting and may be tempted to pass their employers in order to keep the companies that employ them in business? I don't want to know that or that end-of-month job losses figures increased from 500,000 in January to 697,000 job losses in February. We're pulling closer to the 10% or more consumption decline that indicates we are in depression.

True, the 1929-1932 "Great depression" had a 25% decline...however...changing business practices - music festivals are offering payment plan and the Metropolitan Opera putting up their masterpiece art collection as collateral to keep performing - not to mention how cutting meat costs brings back memories of lotsa' mac and cheese and how tough cube steak and skirt steak can be --- these changes are depression signals.

After squeezing my household spending budget into little cash envelopes that emptied before the last week of the month, it seemed to me that I was showing self-discipline - handling it. However, no money to spend sent me to voyeurism - a news-junkie. peering into other people's lives. So, I and peek in on real or might-be-fake "tweeting" between Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher (they speak sweet-nothings in French) and on-line-all-the-time, self-promoting by MC Hammer - I blog daily here, on with postings on ,, , and enjoy the feedback...and learn about my family happenings on ...To some this may seem a waste of time. However, it's free, the brain-activity is probably warding off Altzheimers and my reality is, "there's no cash in the entertainment or dining-out envelope."

Each month's numerology vibes - universal or personal - have a specific direction and when you follow the direction, easy-to-come-by opportunities. In this #5 "things are changing without warning" Universal Month, I'm attempting to ward off the evil spirits of surprise expenses with my #4 "be practical, correct over-spending, maintain what I have" Personal Month's opportunities. Statistically, recessions usually last for four years and numerology's forecast predicts the same time span, So, It's cost-free entertainments and tenderized beef stew till times change again in the Fall of 2011 or 2012.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sensing and Analyzin Michelle

It's not my intention to hit-on our Pres. or make light of Michelle's many accomplishments and family values. My intention is to analyze - question bare arms for business occasions and why Michelle needs no cover up in cold places in Winter....sensing that there is an underlying personal reason for her sleeveless style.

I voted for and have come to love and respect our president and admire the many attributes of his amazing wife! I am proud to see this elegant man speaking and energized to see Michelle bringing the issues that plague our military and their families to public scrutiny....among other valuable family interests. Comments came in regarding yesterday's "Bare Arms" blog defending the Obamas.. There's no need to tell me to "give him time" or to defend them to me.

Huffington Post's columnist, Bonnie Fuller calls the bare arm fracas, "Sleevegate." Check it out today: She's got supporters galore for Michelle's preference to go sleeveless and cites many photos of Jackie Kennedy sans sleeves. Of course, Jackie's photos were not formal business appearances. My issue is not with Michelle's choice to go sleeveless - It's the state occasions and formal photo shoots that do have protocol and have an expectation of "correctness" that makes me wonder if there's an underlying reason for creating her signature sleeveless style than to show her buff arms and well-maintained athletic body.

True, in photo shoots, lights are hot and there's a lot of camera and clothing adjustments that take up gets hot. Still, most warm weather occasions include air conditioning. Some occasions bring Michelle to places that are very cold and everyone is covered-up except Michelle: She makes me wonder.

The new administration is making unconventional-for-past-performances changes. Perhaps Michelle supports her husband by personally letting-go of past procedures too or she just never followed business dress codes during her private industry career. I analyze everything. I spend my life analyzing how a number 5 Universal Day vibes with a number 4 Personal Day...

...and whether double rolls of toilet tissue are really a better bang-for-the-buck than singles...I cannot help but analyze Michelle's insistence on wearing summer clothes in Winter and, sending the message to the American public that America's First Lady has no use or respect for the universal conventional dress codes. So... analysis took in many things - her age, sex, personality, marriage responsibilities and unusual situations in which I found her in unconventional dress. I concluded that there is an underlying reason for her sleeveless preference as her comfort style. I still think that it is possible that Michelle is nearing or involved with menopause and has found her way to deal with it. On the other hand, she may want to follow through on Barack's take on originality. I'm still analyzing...that's what professional numerologists do... so, please know there's no need to defend the Obama's to me and I will always analyze and question things that defy logic and do not compute.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bare Arms in Winter? Trying to Stay Cool When You're Hot, Michellle?

With the stock market under 7000, job losses soaring and everyday food costs getting scary, finding the headlines filled with Michelle's preference for bare arms in Winter above the fold - on a par with credit card companies blasting hurtful changes through before the 2010 Credit Card Bill of Rights is put in place, what's worse? Why are we obsessed with Michelle's dress code and not focusing on the bank's code of ethics? I know why credit card companies are in action...

...I think I know why Michelle goes bare in Winter. Could she be menopausal and melting in any weather?

The world fashion scene and nations of intelligent women are acting like they're in menopause - or approaching - by copying Michelle's pre or current bout with - I think - the sweats of menopause. Her arms are great - she works hard at keeping fit . However, I cannot believe that a woman as astute as Michelle would buck international good taste as USA First Lady consistently. The heck with establishing an "individual style" a la Jackie Kennedy...Jackie must be rolling in her grave...

...wondering, why would anyone, in early morning Winter, at the first official church service be without a stole, a jacket or a sweater ??? Jackie's been there - done that - It's cold in stone churches. Bare arms for formal occasions make people who are dressed properly very uncomfortable. And winter late at night? Too many occasions to mention. Jackie and me - It's cold! Been there, done that, too!

So, in Michelle's first official White House photo she is wearing black with pearls - so very conventional - and carries through her preference - and what she's making her signature style - bare arms. Her reason is to be comfortable. She may be comfortable, however, its unlikely that Americans' used to central heating and Europeans who wear cashmere sweaters under woolen suits 'cause they do not have central heating...will accept Michelle's explanation for her preference for bare arms as good taste or comfortable. Women get it...late forties for some and over fifty, you get hot - sweat at all the wrong times - need bars arms and a dress that's got a low cut underarm. Gotta' stay "cool." Can't get antsy or lose confidence, particularly during spotlighted occasions. Been there, done that!

Michelle...give energy to slowing the rash of credit card interest rates, buy a light weight stole or jacket and show the world that our First LAdy sets an example of universal good manners. Fess up! I think you're pushin' it!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Forecasting is My Job: Budgeting in March, 2009 and 2011

The vibes of March do not bode stability. It's a Numerology #5, "anything can happen, plans change, unconventional diversions" Universal Month. Worldwide plans will change and quick fixes will not bring long term budgeting solutions. The good thing is we'll know about everything. Those involved talk too much: Publicity is king. Universally, the bad thing is, we won't want to know it. Personally, we can't balance our budgets.

My Personal #4, "reality check, budget conscious, work" Month began with mental case, Rush Hudson Limbaugh (1/12/1951) mouthing his warped view of the USA on TV. So, I took another look at his charts and once again was relieved to learn that he has a #16/7 Karmic Testing Wisdom Cycle...He'll be disgraced, "fall from grace", after his sixty-first birthday and be gone from my TV after 2013. Not soon enough for me!

As we begin the last month of the first quarter of 2009, the #2 "detail's revealed, nothing new begins, it's a learning curve" Universal Year shows itself in the delays and complications that have arisen for "the new kid on the block", Barack Obama. He's in a #5 "expect the unexpected, learn as you go", Personal Year and is discovering that around every corner waits a surprise...the plans he made in 2008 just won't compute in the slowly revealed details of 2009. He's winging it and making changes. Too bad the Universal #2 Year will not help him solve problems until after October - more details are revealed at every attempt at solving the preceding revelations.

Of course, we each have Personal Year directions that may not be on a Universal theme. Mine is a #1, that puts opportunities in front of me and encourages new goals. So, although Obama's universal and personal problems are my overview problems, day-by-day my #1 Personal year brings in challenging new activities and no time for details if I want to make the most of my #1 Personal Year opportunities. It's helpful to know Personal Year directions and not be side-tracked by the Universal Year influences.

Our #2 Universal Year overview is receptive. My Personal Year is aggressive. I'm making changes. However, my life is influenced in part by the #2 Universal Year. So, just like you - I'll not see optimistic possibilities for my investments until after the #2 Universal Year intensifies in September...yes, money loses, mortgage foreclosures, deceptions in stock market and banking practices all come up to be seen in September. October brings more talk: However, it's optimistic.

Possibilities for a happier picture show themselves in the Fall and Winter. The March 2009 upsets are temporary and only open doors to pivotal revelations and opportunities to make unconventional changes. To gain a long-term personal perspective...look to the Fall of 2011 for reality corrections to effect you and your pocketbook. That's a #4 "reality reins, corrections and practical foundations can be built" Universal Year and no matter what your Personal Year dictates, in the Fall of 2011, you'll finally be able to balance your budget.