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Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 10 Ellin Dodge Blogs Numerology Forecasts and Octomom News & Opinion

July 9 musings...Octomom is back...on the Today Show yesterday, with 8 of her 14 babes, she promoted her new boxing and fitness training career and her written "all by myself" book in progress. With a tab of $15,000.00 a month to fill the chlldren's needs as motivation, she flew overnight with 8 kids - they had two hours sleep before the show and created havoc (running in all directions and much crying when asked to stop) for Today Show host, Ann Curry, camera people and backstage crew. I don't know when she finds the time, however, she says she's a "MOM" not an "Octomom." Well, she could have done away with some of her children if she was so inclined and felt unfulfilled...maybe she is a 'Mom" of sorts..No...I still have a problem..she'll always be the selfish, foolish, give-me-a-handout "Octomom" to me. If you really want to know what chaos she created and what I think, check out my 2009 blogs when she was pregnant with and delivered 8 babies. That's the Blog and here come the forecasts...

...July 10, 2011...a #3 restless activity World-Wide day with nervous energy scattering power-players ideas and objectives and an erratic financial focus Shoppers are extravagant and theaters, movies, restaurants are busy. Meetings and projects in motion are not productive and fail....In your lifestyle: Activities on the lighter side appeal: There are unrealistic expectations. Money is wasted on momentary pleasures and budgets are forgotten. You want to entertain and be entertained so, talents are expressed and social activity is heightened. There's a lot of talk and little time for practical objectives.

Generally compatible Birthday numbers for #10 are: #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 (domestic), #9, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #18, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24 (domestic), #27, #29, #30, #31. Incompatible numbers are uncomfortable making adjustments to the #10 assumption of leadership.

If July 10 is your birthday, you take charge in business and personal relationships and have a talent for influencing followers. You are mentally sharp, make quick decisions and have a desire to be productive personally and in humanitarian interests. You take yourself very seriously and often overdo or exaggerate your problems, needs and desires. You should not be burdened excessively with domestic responsibility and are capable of efficiently handling many projects at the same time. In youth you are depended upon. After mid-life you strike out on your own to promote and put your creative stamp on the enterprizes that you believe in.

In 2011, aim to take things as they come, ease up and expect that there will be more talk and promises than tangible results. Friends new and old open doors for business and socializing to get what you want works. Your sense of humor, enthusiasm for pleasures and optimism clears away more obstacles than hard work. Expect to shop for clothes, spend more money on pleasures than you anticipate and to have social engagements interfere with scheduled work. July through September is hectic and October brings you down to earth: You'll be managing your time and energy wisely, back on budgets and into practical planning for 2012.

In 2011 wear the color yellow to attract talented, imaginative, kind associates.
Topaz is your gem in 2011.
People whose names begin with the letters C, L and U may gossip too much in 2011
Wednesday is your lucky day of the week in 2011

Your 2011 lottery numbers are: 1, 3, 5, 19, 23,30.

Celebrities born on July 10 are: Nick Adams (Actor), Arthur Ashe (Tennis Star), Saul Bellow (Novelist), David Brinkley (NBC News Anchor), John Calvin (Protestant Religious Reformer), Carlton Carpenter (Actor),Jeff Daniel (Actor), Giorgio DeChirico (Metaphysical Painter), David Dinkins (1st Black Mayor, NYC), Helene Dutrieu (Comedienne/Stuntwoman/1st Belgian Female Pilot), Bela Fleck (Musician), Ron Glass (Actor), Thomas Gomez (Actor), Arlo Guthrie (Singer), Fred Gwynne (Actor), Jerry Herman (Composer), Ronnie James (Rocker), Toyohiko Kagawa (Japan, Christian Social Reformer), Jean Kerr (Novelist), Jake LaMotta (Boxing Champion), Sue Lyon (Actor), Jimmy McHugh (Composer), Thomas Ian Nicholas (Actor), Marcel Proust (Novelist), Eunice Shriver (Founder Special Olympics), Jessica Simpson (Singer/Actor), Neil Tennant (Musician), Virginia Wade (Tennis Star), James McNeill Whistler (British Painter/"Whistler's Mother").

Often asked questions...Do I do personal e-mail written consultations? Is there a fee?
Answer: Yes - I answer 1 question per e-mail for a fee of $26.00 pre-paid through AND...
No, I do not e-mail extensive natal chart written reports (a natal chart consultation including the career, personality, challenges and past, present and future and questions takes about 2 hours on the phone) - I do CD taped, phone consultations by appointment and they are not free. The fee is $250.00.

Thanks for your many comments regarding my books, numbers and the Blog design. Please note: I do respond to comments.

For your July 10 Birthday Life forecast order YOU ARE YOUR BIRTHDAY available at \ click on BOOKS. To see excerpts and to order books by Ellin Dodge: NUMEROLOGY HAS YOUR NUMBER, YOU ARE YOUR FIRST NAME, YOU ARE YOUR BIRTHDAY, WIN THE LOTTERY! and FROM ACE TO ZUMMO click on BOOKS at WWW.ELLINDODGE.COM now.

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