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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

#22 World, Your Lifestyle, Birthday, Compatibility Numerology Forecasts & Analysis

It's June 21, writing at my desk...I'm wondering...will the new national security team replacing US Secretary of Defence Gates after he retires on June 30 - with US casualties escalating, decide to speed combat troop removal from Afghanistan and leave trainers to get the Afgahans up to taking care of themselves as we finally did in Iraq or maintain Gates, Senator John McCain and a few departing generals insistence on a slow, steady pace withdrawal? President Obama promised to remove the last 30,000 combat troops he sent in by 2012....we've got 1000,000 there...I hope I'll stop wondering after I hear specifics - will I hear specifics? - after President Obama's June 22 new war plans announcement.

June 22, 2011...a #5 World-Wide Day...with freedom, fearlessness, adventure and a pivotal turn of events. Stock markets attract speculators, sensual seekers are on the prowl, gambling casinos get action and workers around the world are restless, experimenting and make spontaneous decisions. In your lifestyle: You get a few new ideas or surprises and change the plans for the day. You multi-task and go from one thing to another and take time away from everyday work. A good day to get out of the rut, change your routine, ease-up on responsibilities and gain a different perspective.

Generally compatible Birthday numbers for #22 are: #1 (business), #2, #4, #6 (create a happy, beautiful home), #7, #8, #9, #10 (business), #11, #13, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19 (business), #20, #22, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #31. #22 is a Master Number that has high energy for work that produces tangible results everyday, organizes the lifestyle, builds for the future and leaves lasting treasures for generations to come. The unlisted numbers are too spontaneous, take risks, scatter time, energy and money and create problems for the practical #22.

If June 22 is your birthday, your super-emotional sensitivity and close bonds with your mother in youth slow down your progress until mid-life when your Master Number 22 high power builds a secure base. Your constructive ideas and leadership qualities emerge, you are admired for your down-to-earth wisdom and good charitable or humanitarian works and you succeed following your personal ideals. You're not a gambler, nothing comes easy, however you do "get lucky!"

In 2011, there's good news, travel, pleasures, recognition and difficult situations disappear. Plans may change - you may make changes and with the help of friends and associates, socially and in business, you're persuasive and things to turn out your way. 2011 may be a turning point. You worked hard last year and you're reaping the rewards now.

In 2011 wear the color turquoise to attract enthusiastic, sensually attractive, adventurous friends.
Turquoise is your gem in 2011.
People whose names begin with the letters E, N and W are good contacts and resources in 2011.
Tuesday is your lucky day of the week in 2011.

Your 2011 lottery numbers are: 3, 5, 17, 23, 28, 30.

Celebrities born on June 22 are: Anais (Singer), Bill Blass (Fashion Designer), Amy Brenneman (Actor), Erin Brockovich (Environmental Activist), Dan Brown (Writer/"The DeVinci Code"), Bruce Campbell (Actor/"Burn Notice"), Gower Champion (Dancer/Choreographer), Randy Couture (Martial Arts Fighter), Carson Daly (TV Host), Caydee Denney (Olympic Figure Skater), Clyde Drexler (Basketball Hall of Fame), Dianne Feinstein (US Senator, D-CA), Graham Greene (Actor/"Dances With Wolves"), Bret Hume (Fox News Host), Kris Kristofferson (Singer/Actor), Anne Morrow Lindbergh (Aviator/Writer/Wife of aviator Charles Lindbergh), Scott Macintyre (American Idol), Alan Menken (Composer/"Beauty and the Beast"), Freddie Prinz (Comedian/Actor), Tracy Pollen (Actor/Wife of Michael J Fox), Jay Rodriguez (TV Personality), Douglas Smith (Actor/"Big Love"), Merly Streep (Actor), Lindsay Wagner (Actor), Kurt Warner (NFL Quarterback), Dan Wheldon (Racing Driver), Billy Wilder (Director).

Often asked questions...Do I do personal e-mail written consultations? Is there a fee?
Answer: Yes - I answer 1 question per e-mail for a fee of $26.00 pre-paid through AND...
No, I do not e-mail extensive natal chart written reports (a natal chart consultation including the career, personality, challenges and past, present and future and questions takes about 2 hours on the phone) - I do CD taped, phone consultations by appointment and they are not free. The fee is $250.00.

Thanks for your many comments regarding my books, numbers and the Blog design. Please note: I do respond to comments.

For your June 22 Birthday Life forecast order YOU ARE YOUR BIRTHDAY available at \ click on BOOKS. To see excerpts and to order books by Ellin Dodge: NUMEROLOGY HAS YOUR NUMBER, YOU ARE YOUR FIRST NAME, YOU ARE YOUR BIRTHDAY, WIN THE LOTTERY! and FROM ACE TO ZUMMO click on BOOKS at WWW.ELLINDODGE.COM now.

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