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Friday, June 10, 2011

#11 Compatible Numbers & June 11 Birthday Forecast & Analysis for 2011

Generally compatible Birthday numbers for #11 are: #2 (intimacy & sharing, may not be adequately aggressive), #3 (inspire and please each other), #4 (materially successful), #6 (create a beautiful lifestyle) #7 (serene together, non-aggressive) #8 (money and financial combo), #9 (extraordinary with a common goal), #11 (both are Master Numbers, compatible, may suffer from too much high strung nervous energy), #12, (good for each other), #13 (materially successful lifestyle), #15 (domestic harmony), #16 (harmonious & beneficial, non-aggressive), #17 (lucky financially), #18 (winning combo), #20, (intimate combo), #21 (happy combo, attracts admirers), #22 (both are Master Numbers, powerful and visionary combo), #26 (wonderful domestically and in finance), #29 (both are visionary, emotionally sensitive Master Numbers that reach out to serve humanity), #30 (socially active, harmonious lifestyle), #31 (fabulous together in all areas).

If #11 is your birthday, you are a Master Number who will leave a lasting image through teaching, education, justice, art and uplifting others through public and civic affairs. Your an idealistic visionary whose inspirations attract a following of people with like minds. Personally, you want a peaceful, cooperative, easy-going mate and lifestyle. Practicality is not your strong point and your inventive, creative ideas are often financial/commercial impossibilities and your ideas are always ahead of their time for mass market appeal. The world of business administration and financial ambitions should not beacon you. Your special talents attract leadership and you do best inspiring others to improve themselves. Financial security comes to you through sharing your talents, preaching your gospel and the admiration of your followers.

In 2011 plan to travel socially and physically, meet new people and experiences and make a few changes in your point of view. Pleasant and financially lucrative situations arise that may give you additional responsibility and upset your emotions. However, plans in progress and new ideas turn out successfully when you calmly adapt, ingest new realizations, go with the flow and take advantage of opportunities that are offered. This is a socially active vibration when friends open doors to progress and enjoyment - and a smile will get you everywhere.

In 2011 wear the color yellow to attract happy, entertaining, expressive friends.
Topaz is your gem in 2011.
People whose names begin with the letters C, L and U may trade unworthy gossip in 2011.
Wednesday is your lucky day of the week in 2011.

Your 2011 lottery numbers are: 2, 3, 7, 15, 21, 29.

Celebrities born on June 11 are: Tony Allcock (Bowling Champion), Adrienne Barbeau (Actor) Nikolai A Bulganin (Russian Premier 1955-1958), Jacques-Yves Cousteau (Oceanic Explorer), Cristina Crawford (Author/Daughter of Joan Crawford/"Mommie Dearest"), Joey Dee (Singer), Chad Everett (Actor), Magda Gabor (one of the Gabor Sisters), Anton D Hildebrand (Children's Book Author), Russ Hodges (Sportscaster), Tab Hunter (Actor), Robert Hutton (Actor), Ben Jonson (Playwright/Poet/"Valpone"), Shia LaBeouf/Actor), Hugh Laurie (Actor/"House"), Vince Lombardi (NFL Coach), Paul Mellon (Oil Magnate/President of the Washington National Gallery of Art), Joe Montana (NFL Quarterback), Ingrid Newkirk (Animal Activist/Founder of People for Ethical Treatment of Animals"), Dr Mehmet OZ (Oprah'sTV find), Charles B Rangel (Politician/D-NY), Jeanette Rankin (First Female Member of Congress), Lawrence E Spivak (News Panelist/"Meet the Press"), David Steinman (Designed NYC Hudson and Triborough Bridges), Richard Strauss (Composer/"Don Quixote"), Rise Stevens (Mezzo-Soprano/Metropolitan Opera/Actor/"Going My Way"), William Styron (Novelist),Greta Von Susteren (TV Journalist), Richard Todd (Actor), Gene Wilder (Actor), George Willig (Stuntman/Climbed World Trade Center 1977).

Often asked questions...Do I do personal e-mail written consultations? Is there a fee?
Answer: Yes - I answer 1 question per e-mail for a fee of $26.00 pre-paid through AND...
No, I do not e-mail extensive natal chart written reports (a natal chart consultation including the career, personality, challenges and past, present and future and questions takes about 2 hours on the phone) - I do CD taped, phone consultations by appointment and they are not free. The fee is $250.00.

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For your June 11 Life forecast order YOU ARE YOUR BIRTHDAY available at \ click on BOOKS. To see excerpts and to order books by Ellin Dodge: NUMEROLOGY HAS YOUR NUMBER, YOU ARE YOUR FIRST NAME, YOU ARE YOUR BIRTHDAY, WIN THE LOTTERY! and FROM ACE TO ZUMMO click on BOOKS at WWW.ELLINDODGE.COM now.

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