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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Numerologist's Take on A Forward Thinking Day

It's a good day for this numerologist and a lot of other forward thinking folks. The Brits are getting free credit for new car purchases and training for auto workers. We're talking diplomacy with Iran and sending envoys around the globe - one of President Obama's promises being kept. For the many who won't be ready - Analog to digital TV changes have been put back to June 12. And, my web site, "Instant Delivery Readings" for sale page was up and running yesterday.'s a good day for me, the Super Bowl, 70% Pittsburgh Steeler favorites and the second in history, surviving octuplets. Good for me...

...not so good news for Karl Rove - on February 2, subpoenaed finally - to talk about his role in the Bush Administration politization of the Justice Department...a question of firing attorneys for political reasons. Not too good for smoking apartment dwellers in Silicon Valley's, Belmont CA...a ban on smoking in their own homes is in effect. Not good for the new season's couture one - not even TV's "Project Runway" wants to air them --- yet.

However, Brad and Angelina were together - looking very relaxed at the SAG Awards show. Brad tie less? That's a switch for the fashionisto that used to be married to a fashionista. And, Michelle's Inauguration style ball gown was aped and admired at the SAG "do" too. India's "Slumdog Millionaire" is winning awards and is causing riots in the slums of India...Slum dwellers don't want to be called "dogs." I can openly agree with that.

This new Obama Administration moves on Obama briefings that are clear, concise and forward thinking. People are saying what they mean. So, Here's what's on my mind.

I hope, you will think that the "Instant Readings" page ( is worth a visit. Forecasts for the year and each month in the year are affordable and directional @ $6.95 Extensive Daily Readings for a month ($6.98), three months. six months and twelve months ($49.98) are seventy words complete and include the overview for the month. Order, pay Paypal and in minutes you have your personal reading in your computer to read and/or print.

Yes, yesterday was a good #1 day for me and with your personal readings, today can be a #3 "spread the forward thinking word" Universal Day for you.

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